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"Dubai?" Kemal asked and I nodded.

"I'll have her back to you by Monday." I said blankly.

"This is for business purposes right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Mostly." I said and he nodded slowly.

"Of course, I trust that you'll keep my niece safe." He said before looking down on Gia who innocently looked up at us.

"I will." I assured him before taking Gia's suitcase from her. "How did your meeting with the Marroquín's go?" I asked and Kemal shrugged.

"Strangely good. I had a problem with their father, and to be fair those boys haven't done any harm to me." Kemal explained and I nodded with a smile on my face.

"I'm happy that your meeting went well." I said before placing my hand on Gia's back as a way to tell her we're leaving.

"Wait what did they want to discuss?" Gia asked and I sighed tiredly.

"The five families." Kemal said and I frowned.

"As in the five mafia families?" I asked and he nodded.

"They suggested that we all become one family." He said and I scoffed in amusement.

"They just won't give up." I said and Kemal shrugged.

"At least they're trying to make peace." Gia said softly.

"I don't think I'll ever sign a deal with the Marroquín's, kızım. And with that said the two of you should get to the airport." He said before pulling Gia into a tight hug.

"I'll see you soon kızım." He told her and she nodded with a small smile on her face before walking ahead of me. "I'll call you, my friend." He told me and I nodded. I raised my hand at him in a greeting manner while following Gia outside of their house.

I opened Gianna's door for her and she thanked me before I shut the door behind her. I climbed in on my side of the car before driving us down to the airport. The car ride was quiet until Gia decided to tell me random things about her childhood.

I would say I had a good childhood with parents who loved me. Without my parents I don't know if I'd be the sane person I am today but here Gia is, the most beautiful, and loving person I've ever met and she grew up without her parents.


I looked at Viktor admiring every inch of his face. He was driving us to the hotel he usually stays at when he's in Dubai.

We arrived twenty minutes ago and I'm in desperate need of a shower. Our flight was long and tiring, but Dubai is worth it.

I wonder what Viktor thinks of me. He probably just thinks of me as his friend's kid niece who has a huge crush on him.

I do have a crush on him and I can't stop replaying the moment we had in his room in my head. The way he touched me and the way he looked at me makes me feel so ignited.

But I shouldn't be thinking these things, we might end up hurting each other. And Viktor has been hurt enough. I don't even know if he's over that girl named Paige yet.

"Gia." Viktor called me softly and I hummed in response. "We're here." He said and I lazily sat upright in my seat.

He came over to my door before opening it and I climbed outside of the car.

"Thank you." I said softly and he nodded.

"You're welcome." He said before placing his hand on the small of my back. Two guys took our luggage before going into the hotel. I walked inside with Viktor and his hand resting on my back instantly calmed me down.

Once we were settled in our hotel suite I took a nice and warm shower. When I was done I searched for a towel but I couldn't find any. I squeezed my eyes shut before biting into my bottom lip.

There's no way! Where do they put the towels if not in the bathroom? I sighed nervously before looking at the door.

I mustered all my courage up before going to the door.

"Viktor!" I called nervously.

"Yes?" He responded and I bit into my bottom lip once more.

"Could you please hand me a towel?" I asked shyly and there was silence.

I blushed a deep shade of red before sitting on the toilet. He's not gonna do it, he didn't even want to hold an elevator door open for me. I squeezed my eyes shut before breathing out nervously.

My head shot up when a soft knock on the door filled my ears.

"Gia?" He called and I slowly got up before unclocking the bathroom door. He reached his arm into the bathroom and I took the towel from him before wrapping it around my body.

I fully opened the bathroom door before going outside. I stopped in front of him and he licked his lips as he looked down on me. He took a strand of my hair between his fingers and I looked up into his eyes before gulping nervously.

"Thank you." I said and he pulled his hand away from my hair.

He frowned at me before disappearing down the hallway and I frowned deeply.

Why is he so confusing?

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