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I slowly shifted before yawning tiredly. I sat upright and found Ozan sitting next to me on the couch, he was asleep, holding onto my legs which was now resting on his lap and I clenched my jaw before getting my legs out of his grip.

Didn't he get the message? If I wanted him to be next to me I would've slept in my room last night.

Ozan's eyes shot open and he frowned before looking up at my standing position. I pulled the blanket off his legs before folding it neatly.

"Günaydın." Good morning. I said in a bubbly tone, knowing that he isn't a morning person, and Ozan rubbed his forehead.

"Günaydın." He said tiredly before getting up, his tall frame hovered over me as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Where were you last night?" He asked before clenching his jaw.

"Ozan-- stop it, you're hurting me." I said as his grip on my shoulders tightened.

"Answer my question, lütfen (please) Gia." He said and I looked down at my feet.

"Tamam (alright). I was with Viktor." I said blankly before looking into his eyes. Ozan roughly gripped my chin while staring deeply into my eyes.

"As long as you're my fiancee, you will stay away from your prescious Viktor. You're marrying me not him, so why don't you start acting accordingly?" He asked roughly.

"You don't tell me what to do." I said angrily and Ozan chuckled darkly.

"Yes I do and you know what happens when you don't listen, Gia." He said slowly and my face dropped.

"Ozan lütfen bırak gideyim. (Please just let me go)." I begged and his hand left my chin, only to place it back on my shoulder.

"Gitmene asla izin vermeyeceğim, (I will never let you go) Gianna." Ozan said psychotically.


"We're already engaged. Your parents signed the paperwork years ago, it's done and it's tradition. So why don't you just stay away from Viktor? And by the way, I'm driving you to work from now on." He said blankly before walking away from me.

I went upstairs to my room before taking a shower. I have to get Ozan out of my life and out of this house as soon as possible.

After my shower I went back into my room before walking into my closet. I pulled on a matching black set of lingerie before slipping into a brown mid thigh dress.

I paired my outfit with some brown thigh high boots. I brushed my hair before pulling it into a ponytail and allowing it to hang loose behind my back. Then I did my makeup to perfection.

I grabbed my bag and sunglasses before going downstairs. I greeted Ozan and uncle Kemal before walking towards the door and I heard Ozan following after me.

"You're not hungry?" He asked but I ignored him. He pulled me back by my arm and I frowned at the action.

"What?" I asked angrily and he licked his lips while looking into my eyes.

"Where are you going with that attitude?" He asked angrily and I frowned at his words.

"Fix it before we get to your office or I'll punish you in front of your buddies at work." He said coldly and I pulled away from him in fear before climbing into his car.

The rest of the ride was silent, and after a few minutes we finally stopped in the underground garage of my workplace. Ozan and I sat in the car in silence while looking ahead of us.

"I'm doing this for you, Gia." Ozan said, breaking the silence between us. "I love you and you know I do." He said in an apologetic voice. "Why do I always have to talk to you like that before you listen?" He asked and I just kept quiet.

Sometimes I wonder if Ozan hears himself when he's talking.

"You'll learn to love me one day." He said and I snapped.

"No I won't. I didn't love you then so why would I start loving you now, Ozan? After everything you've done to me, that's still what you wish for?" I asked him in disbelief and he hit the steering wheel causing me to jump in fear.

He gripped my tiny wrist in his large hand causing me to gasp in pain. His fingers dug into my skin while he looked deeply into my eyes.

"You will learn to love me one day." He said pointedly and I nodded in fear. He roughly let go of my arm and I bit back my tears.

"Let's go." Ozan said before getting out of the car so I grabbed my bag before climbing out of the car. He came walking over to my side before taking my hand into his.

We went into the elevator together and I reached my shaky hand out to press my floor button.

Once we got on my floor he walked out of the elevator first and I looked down at our interlocked fingers.

When I looked back up everyone was curiously staring at us. I gulped nervously before telling Ozan which way to go.

We walked into my office and Viktor was already seated behind his desk. Ozan glared down on me before pulling me to his chest.

"Make smart choices, sweetheart." He whispered into my ear before gripping my ass and my skin crawled at his disgusting action.

"Görüşürüz." See you later. Ozan said with a smug smile on his face before looking over at Viktor.

"Görüşürüz." I said softly before taking a seat at my desk. He walked out of my office and I bit back the tears threatening to escape my eyes.

When I looked back up Viktor was already staring at me. He held no expression on his face which only made my anxiety go haywire.

This is all part of Ozan's game. He makes me hurt everyone I care about and he has the ability to take all my happiness away.

I got up from my chair before walking out of my office and going into Viktor's. He sat back in his chair while watching me approach him and I sucked in a nervous breath before stopping in front of his desk.

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