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I sat across from uncle Kemal at a fancy restaurant table. I took a sip of my wine before placing the glass down on the table. I silently watched him while he placed a piece of meat into his mouth.

He looked up at me so I averted my gaze from his. I looked down at my hands, uninterested in the "rigatoni al segreto" in front of me.

I took another sip of my wine before pressing my lips together.

"Kızım? (my daughter)" Uncle Kemal called me but I pretended not to hear him. He placed his knife and fork down before he clasped his hands together. "I see, you're still mad at me." He uttered the words under his breath.

I looked up at him without saying a word and he sighed lightly.

"Özür dilerim kızım. Çok üzgünüm. (I'm sorry my daughter. Very sorry). Please forgive me. Lütfen kızım (please)." He begged me with a small smile on his face.

"You forced me to marry Ozan Yıldırım. After everything he's put me through. You knew what kind of man he is, and yet you would still have your daughter marry him." I told uncle Kemal. "Yani hayır seni affetmiyorum. (So no, I don't forgive you)." I pointedly told him and he sighed heavily.

"Tamam sana biraz yer vereceğim. (Alright, I'll give you some space)." Uncle Kemal told me in a gentle tone.

"I've lost my appetite. Can we leave now?" I asked him and he nodded at me.

"Just let me pay the bill." He told me and I nodded at him before I sat back in my chair. Once he was done paying for the bill we left the restaurant together. I walked away from him before I climbed into my car. I switched my radio on before driving down the street.

I was mind racing while my eyes remained on the road ahead of me. Uncle Kemal is not the only hazard on my way to happiness, I'm also giving Viktor our court date tomorrow.

A part of me wants to make him pay for what he did to me but the other part of me wants him to fight for me just as hard as he promised me he would.

I frowned deeply when I saw three black cars blocking the road, as they were parked in a horizontal line. I honked at the cars in front of me before huffing out in annoyance.

A man dressed in a black suit climbed out of one of the cars and I narrowed my eyes on him. He's definitely a part of a gang. And he looks like he could be the leader. If he was part of the mafia I would recognize him but I don't-

I stepped out of my car before I walked over to him. The clicking sound of my heels was the only thing I could hear, the cold air of the night was consumed by the silence between us.

"Hello, sir. Could you please move your cars? I have to get home." I told him and his eyes slowly ran over my body.

"Gianna Doğulu." He uttered my name under his breath.

"How do you know my name?" I asked him in confusion.

"I know what you did, Gianna." He told me and I frowned lightly. "I'm going to take you away from here now and you're not going to make a sound." He told me and my eyes widened in shock.

"What?" I asked him under my breath. "Who are you? And what do you want from me? Why are you doing this?"

"Take her." He blankly told someone behind me, I didn't know there was someone behind me. Before I could turn around someone covered my mouth and nose with a white handkerchief, I tried to scream but it was to no avail so I started kicking and screaming in panic, I slowly started to become dizzy the more I breathed in the chloroform on the handkerchief. My eyes slowly fluttered shut as the toxic substance finally took its toll on my body.

Viktor- I need to call Viktor.

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