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I walked back into Mr Tchaikovsky's office before placing the stack of papers on his desk and he looked up at me.

"Have a seat." He said in a husky voice and I nodded before sitting down on a chair across from him.

"How old are you?" He asked curiously. This must be my interview. I wish myself luck.

"Technically I'm twenty." I said and he frowned.

"Technically, so you're not?" He asked and I pressed my lips together.

"Well I'm turning twenty next year. But please don't judge me based on my age. I have all the experience in the world." I said and he nodded slowly.

"You do?" He asked and I nodded.

"How long have you been working?" He asked.

"Since I was sixteen." I said proudly.

"What's your relation to Mr Doğulu? Is he your father?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"He's like my father but in reality I'm his niece." I answered shortly and Mr Tchaikovsky nodded.

"Your uncle tells me that you don't need any training." He said and I nodded.

"And I'm a fast learner." I said proudly. I also have a very bubbly personality. But I think that's pretty obvious. He slid a piece of paper across the table along with a pen.

I quickly read through the words before shrugging and signing it.

"Good, please remind me that I have a meeting with the Marroquín twins tomorrow. Just tell me first thing tomorrow morning." He said and my eyes widened so I looked down before nodding.

Twins? Are they the twins that Tanner was talking about?

"I'm on it." I said with a smile on my face.

"And you're coming with me, apparently they have a business proposal for us." He said and my smile vanished.

"Me?" I asked and he frowned at me.

"Yes you." He said blankly before writing something down on a piece of paper.

I silently walked back to my office before slumping into my seat and spinning around. I picked the black landline up before dialling my uncle's number and placing the device against my ear.

"Hello." My uncle said blankly.

"Hey my favorite uncle." I said and he chuckled.

"Peanut." He said and I smiled.

"Mr Tchaikovsky would like to schedule a meeting with you, Mr Doğulu, for Thursday." I said professionally. "When are you free?" I asked.

"Look in your diary you wrote all that stuff down." He said blankly.

"Oh right." I said before paging through my notebook. "Okay you're free between one and two so I'll make a reservation at Reign's." I explained.

"Got it. Also could you send me a copy of my schedule? Just until the end of the week." My uncle asked and I sighed.

"Yes but I'll still walk you through your days in the mornings to give you your daily reminders." I said with a smile on my face.

"You're the best." He said in relief. "Alright I love you bye." He said briefly.

"I love you bye." I replied before ending the call. I looked up and found Mr Tchaikovsky already looking at me. He placed the black phone in his hand down and I frowned.

Did he listen to our call?

He came walking over to my office before entering without knocking.

"Call your uncle again and tell him you're not available." He said and I frowned at him.

"But I am. Why would I do that?" I asked and he looked down on me.

"Because you're mine, and as long as you're mine, you'll do as I tell you to." He said while looking into my eyes.

"No." I said before getting up from my seat. I stood in front of him while looking him in the eye. "I'm not yours." I said pointedly and he pulled me against his chest by my waist.

"Oh but you are." He said as his lips brushed against mine and it felt like all the air left my lungs. He took my chin between his fingers before examining my face and I blushed a deep shade of red.

"Don't forget that." He whispered into my ear and I speechlessly nodded. His accent just makes me feel weaker than I already do in his presence.

He spared me one last glance before leaving my office. And I tried to catch my breath.

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