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I climbed out of my car before I walked into a familiar abandoned building. This was my first wearhouse back when I first moved to America. Now look at it- it's just a burnt down building.

I walked up some stairs and found Luciano and Dario standing on the balcony upstairs.

"Viktor- glad you could make it. We have a few things that we need to discuss." Dario said as soon as he saw me so I walked over to him.

"I'm listening." I shortly responded.

"Aurellio is back." Luciano blankly said and my eyes widened.

"What do you mean Aurellio is back?" I asked him with a frown on my forehead.

"He's back in America, Viktor." Luciano told me and I looked at them in shock.

"He's not in Sicily anymore?" I asked just to be sure and Dario shook his head at me.

"Aurellio has been back for one day and he's already burned down two of our main wearhouses." Dario told me and I frowned deeply.

"So he's still not over it?" I asked under my breath. "I guess that means that I'm next." I told Luciano and Dario and they nodded at me.

My phone started ringing in my pocket so I pulled it out and answered it as soon as I saw Kemal's name flashing on the screen.

"Viktor! Where are you? Where's Gia? My men just reported to me that the Italian mafia just claimed all of my car dealerships!" Kemal angrily yelled at me. That's twenty percent of Kemal's businesses.

What the fuck does Aurellio want with Kemal?

"Gia stayed home I'm with the Marroquíns right now, meet us at the house." I told Kemal before I ended the call. "Let's go!" I told Luciano and Dario and they followed me outside.

"Aurellio just claimed all of Kemal's car dealerships." I told Luciano and Dario and they both frowned deeply.

"Shit! You need to go and get Gia. In the meantime we'll see if we can find Aurellio." Luciano told me so I nodded at him before I jumped into my car.

"Blyat!" (Fuck!) I angrily said before speeding down the road. I called Alex and he answered the phone after the third ring.

"Yes boss."

"Where's Gia?"

"She's in the garden, boss." He quickly responded.

"Take Gia somewhere safe inside the house. And warn our men that the Italian mafia might raid us at any moment. Don't show weakness, put Gavriil in charge while you're away. I'm heading your way now." I told Alex.

"Yes, boss." He said before I ended our call. I continued driving home, I was thirty minutes away from my house, anything can happen in thirty minutes.

After driving for what felt like hours I finally pulled up in my driveway. I jumped out of my car before I made my way inside the house.

I jogged upstairs and found Alex standing in front of my bedroom door with a rifle in his hand.

"Did you tell her?" I asked Alex and he shook his head at me.

"нет, босс, я ей не говорил." (No, boss, I didn't tell her).

"Bravo." I said before entering my bedroom.

"Gia. I am taking you to my family ranch. Just for the week. I have mafia business here but I want you to be somewhere safe, away from here. The Marroquíns will bring their mom and Vera will also be there." I decided and Gia frowned lightly.

"Vera doesn't like me." She reminded me.

"Exactly. This week will give you two a chance to connect with each other. Go on, get ready and pack yourself a bag." I told her and she sighed lightly.

"Tamam. (Alright)." She said and I smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead. That's strange, she didn't question me once. I guess she doesn't want to know.

"Be quick, okay? I just have to go and make a few phone calls." I told Gia before leaving the room. I pinched the bridge of my nose before clenching my jaw.

How do I keep her safe from Aurellio? Even though my mafia is the strongest at the moment, Aurellio is blinded with rage. He won't rest until I'm dead. This is an eye for an eye business that I'm dealing with. Me and him. We will settle our debts.

"Viktor!" Kemal yelled from downstairs. So I made my way down to him.

"I'm taking Gia out of town. I'll ask Vera to look after her." I told Kemal and he frowned at me. I trained Vera how to defend herself after what happened to her. And I hate to admit it but when it comes down to business, she's just as loyal as the rest of my men.

"What does that son of a bitch want from us?" Kemal angrily asked me.

"Revenge, he must know about my relationship with Gia so he's trying to get to me by hurting her and the people that she loves." I told him and he scoffed in disbelief.

"That's a far fetch, even for a psychopath, don't you think?" He asked me and I tilted my head to the side.

"Listen, Kemal. Aurellio loses his mind sometimes, he doesn't listen to reason. So don't even bother reasoning with him."

"I wasn't going to." Kemal snapped at me.

"Just wait for my return. We'll come up with a plan, I just have to take Gia to the house but I'll be back by tomorrow morning." I told Kemal and he frowned lightly.

"Are you going alone? What if the Italians ambush you?" He asked me.

"Let them try." I told him and he smiled at me.

"Forget, Aurellio. You might be the craziest man I know." Kemal said and I frowned lightly.

"Tsk, I've changed, don't you think?" I asked Kemal and he shrugged lightly.

"Maybe a little bit." He said and I scoffed at his words.

"See you later, old man." I told him when I saw Gia and Alex coming downstairs with two suitcases.

I called Vera and she immediately answered my call.

"Viktor, yes. Hi! How are you? Are you still mad at your sister?" She wildly asked me.

"That depends."

"On what?" She asked in suspicion.

"I need her to do a job for me. Then maybe I will forgive her." I told her.

"Okay, I'll do it. What's the job?" She excitedly asked me.

"You are going to the ranch this weekend. With Gia and the Marroquíns' mother." I told her.

"With Gia?" She asked me, clearly getting worked up.

"Yes, and if you so much as say one bad word to her or make her feel even the slightest bit of uncomfort, you can forget about my forgiveness." I told her.

"Fine, at least tell me why we're going into hiding. We only use the ranch when someone is in danger." Vera knowingly said.

"Aurellio is back."

"Что? (What?)" Vera wildly asked me. "Another one of my ex boyfriends that are out to get you. Blyat." She cursed under her breath.

"Well who needs enemies when I have you as my sister?" I asked her before ending our call.

I looked over and found Gia hugging her uncle goodbye. He placed a kiss on her forehead before he got into his car. Gia came walking over to me before she wrapped her arms around me.

"Let's go." I said before placing a kiss on her lips. I slowly pulled back from her and she smiled at me before she climbed into my car.

я собираюсь жениться на тебе когда-нибудь. (I'm going to marry you someday.)

I climbed into my car before driving down the street.

я обещаю. (I promise.)

For updates, follow me on Instagram: @aurorascarrr❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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