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When Dahlia finally gets inside, she steps into the shower and lets the hot, steaming water pour over her. She runs her fingers through her damp hair, sighing as she finally relaxes.

After a few minutes, she finally opens her eyes and sees the view. And yes, at first she thought the glass wall was weird to have in a bathroom, but now she gets it. She can see for miles out into the clear, blue ocean, and see the palm trees, and part of the beach, and it's one of the most beautiful, relaxing things she's ever experienced. She knows the worst of this trip hasn't happened yet, but it's heaven right now.

"Hurry up, we have to be at the beach in ten minutes for our car!" Jenna knocks on the back door, alerting her.

"Okay!" She yells back, moaning as she finally begins to move. After that, she showers at record speed, jumps, puts on her underwear and bra, then sorts through her clothes to find something nice to wear. "Hey, Jenna, what should I wear?! I only have h-"

"Here," Jenna enters, walking past her and digging into her suitcase.

"Oh my God, I could have been naked!" Dahlia exclaims, throwing up her arms dramatically.

"It's not like I saw anything life-changing, I'm sure," she replies, tossing her a shirt and pants. "Get them."

"And you're just going to stand there while I put them on?" Dahlia asks, looking at her.

"Yes, I am," she replies, her arms crossed as she stares at her. " Well ?"

"God," Jenna sighs in annoyance, grabbing the pants and pulling them down. Dahlia watches her, her face unchanging even as she buttons her pants, then pulls her shirt over her head. " Happy ?"

"Mhmm," Jenna replies, looking at her and tilting her head. "Now let me fix your hair."

"What's wrong with my hair?" Dahlia scoffs, stepping back slightly as she walks towards her.

"It's messy," Jenna replies, taking a step forward and pushing her fingers through it. Dahlia swallows heavily. "Which is fine when we're in New York, but not when we're at a fancy dinner with my perfectionist mom."

"Fine," Dahlia replies, standing there as her long, slender fingers dig into her hair, poking the flyaways down and the rest to the side. Then, when she's finished, Jenna steps back, looks at her, then nods. "Okay, that's better."

"And the shoes? Dahlia asks, biting the inside of her cheek. She then stops her movements, staring at her.

"Am I...making you nervous, Dahlia?" Jenna asks, narrowing her eyes and scanning her face, her body language curiously.

" What ? No, I have no idea what you're talking about," Dahlia replies, walking to the bedside table, to her phone.

"Oh my God, Dahlia, look at me," she turns her around, studying her face. "What's going on with you? Are you blushing?"

"No, I'm not blushing, Jenna," she swallowed, now feeling oddly sweaty. "Leave me alone, it's just... hot in here."

"God, you're weird," Jenna laughs looking at her. She is still trying to figure it out. "So, are you going to get horny if I tell you to wear these shoes, or...?"

"Shut up," she breathes out in a groan, knowing she can never experience this. She doesn't even know what just happened to her at that moment. It was just that a pretty girl was standing in front of her in a low dress, running her fingers through her hair, a stick of vanilla on her lips.

But it's Jenna. Jenna. She keeps telling herself that.

"Let's go or we'll be late - then mom will hate you forever," Jenna told her as she finished putting on her sandals.

"I think she already does," Dahlia laughs nervously, as they finally exit the bungalow and step into the cool, airy air. They hear the waves crashing against the shore, and the sky is so clear they can easily see hundreds of twinkling stars.

"I know we're both trying to forget what we're about to do, but we have to...find some things," Jenna tells her, as they walk down the seemingly endless long dock.

" Like what?" Dahlia asks, looking at her moonlit face.

"My mother, her sister and her future brother-in-law are going to be there," she told her with a long sigh, "which means we're seriously going to have to take the relationship up a notch."

" As in... ?" Dahlia asks, finally getting to the sand.

"Holding hands, flirting, whispering. The whole nine," Jenna replies, running her fingers through her wavy hair. "Let's get through it, get it over with, then we can come back to our sanctuary and forget all this ever happened."

"It may not be possible to forget how traumatized this is going to make me," Dahlia smiled a little, and Jenna laughed, patting her shoulder gently.

"That's more disgusting to me, Dahlia," she shakes her head at the thought, then turns to her as they walk.

"You know you can't fall in love with me, right? I know I'm going to be amazing playing the role and it will be hard not to, but don't let that catch you - none of this is real. This is going to ruin our whole I-come-over-and-steal-your-food-and-nap-on-your-couch dynamic, and I can't afford it."

"I really don't think you have to worry about that," Dahlia scoffs, widening her eyes at the thought.

"Don't get cocky now - just wait until you see my moves," Jenna shrugs, sounding confident in the matter. "There is the car."

Dahlia looks up, seeing the same black car they arrived in earlier while driving. She looks over, the beach is now lit by strings along the bar, tennis court, palm trees along the beach.

"God, this place is so beautiful," sighs Dahlia, smiling at everything.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go before my mom kills us for being late," laughs Jenna, getting into the car and pulling her beside her.

"God, I'm nervous," Dahlia sighs, rubbing her sweaty hands on her pants.

"I was going to say don't be, but...I never know how my mom is going to act, so it would be best to be prepared for whatever," she replies, shaking her head. "I'm sorry in advance for anything horrible she might say or do."

"Hey, I accepted, didn't I?" Dahlia laughs, trying to lighten the mood even though she's terrified. "

"It'll be okay."

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now