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Dahlia wakes up with their sweaty bodies pressed together, and Jenna's fingers laced with her's, and her face nuzzled against her neck. Dahlia sits back slightly and looks at her, not even feeling like last night actually even happened.

She lays against her for a little while, just savoring this moment in its entirety. Dahlia feels amazing, content, happy, and she wishes she could stay like this forever.

She knows she was drunk, but she still can't believe she allowed her to ever be this close to her anyway.

But it doesn't take her long to remember what it was like to be cuddling with her two mornings ago, when she woke up in a panic thinking it was her fault. Dahlia knows she can't leave it like this. As much as she doesn't want to, she unpeals her body from hers, and unclasps her fingers from hers, and quietly backs up to her side of the bed. She looks over at her, a surprising amount of sunshine pouring through the window-especially after the downfall of rain yesterday. Dahlia stares at her, seeing her shift and pull the blanket up to her chin with a sleepy sigh.

She gulps as she watches her, suddenly finding that it's harder to breathe. She thinks over last night: their fight, how drunk she was, the way she kissed her, the way she held onto her and pulled her closer as she fell asleep. And all of the things she told her about herself.

This all just makes her so incredibly confused. They only fight and get annoyed while sober-but the second that one of them starts drinking, it feels different. Their kissing feels different, the way they talk to each other feels different, the way they touch feels different. And she doesn't understand why.

And Dahlia finds herself propping her head on her hand to watch her sleep, just to see the way she breathes and the way she sighs and the way she brushes her hair from her face while she dreams.

Her hand is there on the pillow, and she stares at it for a moment, before slowly reaching over and gently setting her hand on top of it. Dahlia swallows thickly and lays her head back down on the pillow, feeling her soft, warm skin against her, and seeing the way she lets out a small, unconscious huff when she touches her.

Is this what it would be like to wake up to her every day?

"God, did someone beat the hell out of me last night or what?" Jenna groans, blinking her eyes open. Dahlia hurriedly pulls her hand back and off of hers before she realizes it's there. "I feel like someone actually dragged my ass through hell and back. Or I might still be in hell, I don't know. That's sort of what it feels like."

"What do you mean?" Dahlia laughs nervously, confused at why she's confused. "It's probably just a hangover."

Jenna sits there for a second and thinks, before rolling over and looking at Dahlia.

"It's all a huge blur," she sighs and rubs her eyes, before pressing her fingers to her temples. "What happened? I didn't do anything too embarrassing, did I? Like laugh at one of your jokes?"

Dahlia sits there in shock, just looking at her. Does she really not remember? Any of it?

"You...you don't remember?" She asks, sitting up to look at her.

"I mean, I remember our fight or whatever, and then I went to Mia's and grabbed some of her whiskey, but nothing really after that," Jenna shrugs, sighing. "Why? Did I do something? Do we know each other biblically now?"

"No," Dahlia shakes her head, gulping. "Nothing really happened. I just went and found you and brought you back, and then put you to bed."

"And I assume we made up because I don't really feel mad at you anymore," Jenna replies, blinking at her. "Not more than usual, at least."

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