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"And where are you going?" Jenna asks, swimming to the dock and looking up at her.

"To get a pool floaty from the stack by the bar," Dahlia replies, walking up the steps.

"Oh cool, I'll go with you," she tells her, pulling herself out of the water. "I'd kill for a smoothie right now."

"Do you have any concept of personal time?" She groans, thinking she finally had five minutes to herself.

"God, Dahlia, you'll have plenty of time to masturbate in the shower later, don't worry," Jenna puts her hands up in defense, and she rubs the bridge of her nose. "Besides, it's not like I want to spend time with you anyway; I just want to see that hot snack bar worker again."

"What?" Dahlia stops in the middle of their bungalow, looking at her. She walks a few more steps before realizing, then she stops herself.

"What do you mean what?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You think the snack bar worker is...hot? Threesome guy?" Dahlia asks, crossing her arms.

"Oh yeah, for a sec I forgot that the whole time I was ordering earlier you were checking me out," she laughs, crossing her own arms now. "And yeah, he is hot. Jealous?"

"Pshht, God, no, I'm not jealous," she waves her off, rolling her eyes. "I just feel bad for him, is all."

"Convincing," Jenna laughs, shaking her head. Dahlia sighs and follows her along the dock, trying to remember that guy at the snack bars face. But Jenna's right; her mind was elsewhere, embarrassingly enough. She'd never admit that to her, though.

She's in a different swimsuit now than she was yesterday; this is a black one piece, and
she forceshimself not to look at her.

"Can I get a medium strawberry-banana smoothie, please?" Jenna leans against the counter, smiling and tilting her head at the snack bar boy. Dahlia watches him carefully; seeing how he reacts to her, seeing how he talks to her, seeing how he looks at her. She can't say he's unattractive; he's tall, has dimples, has shoulder-length wavy hair. He's definitely good-looking like Jenna said.

Dahlia doesn't like him.

"Back so soon, huh?" He smiles at Jenna, and Dahlia rolls her eyes and crosses her arms as he tucks his long, perfect hair behind his pierced ear. Figures he has an ear piercing.

"I figured if you had to work here all day in this heat justfor my family, I guess I could keep you company," she shrugs, and Dahlia swallows thickly.

"Hey, can I get a smoothie too, please? Medium strawberry?" Dahlia walks up beside Jenna, and she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, of course," the guy looks at her, seeming startled. "I didn't even see you there, my bad."

"Yeah, it's...fine," Dahlia nods, her arms still crossed.

"This is my friend Dahlia," Jenna emphasizes the word, punching her "playfully" in the shoulder. "She just wanted to get a float."

"Ahh, nice to meet you," the guy smiles, his dimples showing, as he extends his hand for a shake. Dahlia shakes it back reluctantly, feeling bad for hating him so much without even knowing him. But there's justsomething about him...

"You too," Dahlia forces a smile, nodding.

"I'll get to those smoothies then! And you can just grab any of the floats you want from over there on the side of the building," the guy smiles, showing off perfect teeth, before going to the back of his small hut to make the smoothies.

"Thanks," Dahlia replies unenthusiastically, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Seriously, Dahlia? What the hell was that?" Jenna nudges her in annoyance, whispering when the guy walks away.

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now