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Dahlia shakes it all off and takes her shower, barely even caring that Jenna is right next door and could walk out at any time. She's way too upset to worry about something so stupid, plus she's pretty sure she's too mad at her to even try to embarrass her, which takes a lot.

She towels off and gets dressed after she's finished, before hesitating her fist against the door, and then knocking. She never knows how she's going to react, and it's kind of scary sometimes to even have to guess.

"Hey, you ready?" Dahlia asks softly against the door, lowering her fist down to her side. She hears her sniffling a little, take in a breath, hesitate another few seconds, and then she opens the door.

Her facial expression is like stone, and if it weren't for her slightly-puffier-than-usual eyes, she probably would have thought she imagined the sniffling a few seconds ago.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Jenna nods, walking past her. She knows she's embarrassed about her seeing her cry, and she wishes she didn't have to be a reason that she's feeling even worse right now.

Although she doesn't know if she should or not, she ends up stopping at the door and asking her, "are you okay?"

"I'm...fine," Jenna breathes out, still trying to compose herself from earlier. "I just don't want to do this. I don't want to face any of them, and I don't want to go."

"Then...let's not," Dahlia suggests, and she turns and looks at her, narrowing her eyes. "Seriously, let's bail. I'll just say I'm not feeling great, and voila-we're free. Besides, I'm pretty sure they all hate me anyway, so I'll take all the blame."

"Really?" she laughs a little, the look of relief flooding her face. Dahlia smiles too, just happy to see her happy.

"Yeah, of course," she laughs, shrugging. "We haven't even looked at the food and snacks in our fridge, so I'm sure we could find something. And we could just relax and play some card games or something."

"She'll kill us," Jenna warns her, but she's still smiling.

"Two against one," Dahlia grins, falling down against the bed. "Give me your phone so I can call her."

"Here," she hands it to her, already having found her contact number. All she has to press is one button.

"Okay, close the blinds and lock the doors so she can't, like, burst in or something," Dahlia laughs, before taking a nervous breath and pressing the dial button.

Jenna nods and does it hurriedly, before sitting on the bed beside her, anxiously waiting to hear her mom's response.

"Jenna? Hurry up and get down here-everyone's waiting," her mom sighs into the phone impatiently, and Dahlia can picture the eye roll she just made in her head.

"Miss Ortega? It's actually Dahlia," she tells her, and Jenna holds her hand over her mouth so she doesn't audibly laugh. And then Dahlia, already smiling, has to look away from her so she doesn't laugh. "I'm not feeling too well, so me and Jenna aren't going to make it to dinner. Maybe tomorrow night-sorry!"

"Oh really? What kind of sick?" her mom questions her, very obviously not believing it. Not like she expected her too, but still.

"Does it matter? Sick is sick, right?" She replies, and Jenna actually buries her entire face into a pillow laughing. "We'll see you guys tomorrow. Have a great night!"

She tries to say something else, sounding furious, but she just hangs up.

"God, she doesn't give up, does she?" Dahlia laughs, shaking her head and tossing the phone on the other side of the bed.

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