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After about fifteen full minutes of silence, Jenna clears her throat and asks, "Are you...okay, though? Seriously?"

Dahlia has to smile at that, because it's actually nice. It's difficult for her, and uncomfortable, and she probably had to mentally prepare herself to do it for those fifteen whole minutes, and that's why it's so special. She didn'thave to ask, but she did. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

She nods then and she sees her shoulders relax, and she feels better. Dream Jenna would have never asked her that, and she relaxes too when she finally fully realizes that the dream didn't have one bit of truth to it.

After mostly drying off in the new day's warm, fully-risen sun, they hang their clothes on their porch's rail to dry before heading back inside.

"What do you want to do today?" Jenna asks, sitting on the bed.

"I have no idea," she replies, shrugging as she leans against the wall. "I'm sure your aunt probably has something planned though, right?"

"Probably," she groans, falling back onto the bed. "If only we could fake sick for the rest of the trip."

"Yeah, I wish we could too," Dahlia sighs, before making her way over to her suitcase. "I'm gonna put on some clothes and brush my teeth, but do you wanna go grab something from the snack bar after?"

"God, yes," Jenna replies, now getting up to dig in her suitcase for a top and shorts.

She's only in a bra and underwear now since they didn't change into swimsuits before getting in the water this morning. She obviously knows that seeing her in a bra and underwear is the same as seeing her in a bikini, but it embarrassingly makes her more nervous this way. When she's in a bikini, her brain just thinks, "she's in a bikini because we're on vacation and we're about to swim." But when she's in a bra and underwear, she can't help but think, "she's half-naked right now." Dahlia's fully aware of how stupid it is-especially since both bear the same amount of skin-but her brain processes it differently for some annoying reason.

So that's why she keeps her eyes focused on finding clothes, and then from there she looks straight ahead at the bathroom like it's a checkpoint. She doesn't evenglance anywhere else.

After she's finished Jenna goes and brushes her teeth too, and then she makes another trip back after she's done to quickly comb through her hair.

"Kinda looks like it might storm later," Jenna points out, glancing out the window. "The clouds are looking pretty bad."

"Really?" Dahlia asks, walking up beside her to check for herself. She sees the dark-clouded sky out in the distance, looking like it's coming straight for them. "Maybe we can get breakfast before it hits. It still looks pretty sunny over here for now."

"Yeah, probably," Jenna nods, before opening the door. "At least that means we can stay in though."

They walk outside, and then Jenna turns back to look at her.

"Be quiet so we don't wake anyone," she tells her, before attempting to tiptoe across the long dock. "Not that I care if we wake them up, but I'd rather not have to deal with them this early in the morning if I don't have to."

"Understood," Dahlia laughs quietly, silently following behind her.

"Feeling better, Dahlia?" Her aunt walks out of her bungalow behind them, and they both jump. Jenna stops dead in her tracks, which makes Dahlia run into her and almost knock her over. "You two are up early this morning."

"Yeah, I feel a lot better, thanks," Dahlia laughs, swallowing thickly. Her heart is still racing from the scare, but she's trying to act like nothing's up.

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