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"Don't act like I didn't think about it," Jenna huffs, annoyed as she pushes past her. "But changing our treatments would mean they would have to call the booker-slash-card-owner to confirm the alterations. And then Camila would see we changed it to a normal package from a couples package, and then we would be interrogated. And I don't know about you, but I'm not in a good enough mood today to deal with my family's bullshit."

"I guess," Dahlia sighs, walking over to grab a robe. "You don't think we have to actually get, you know... naked naked, do you?"

"I think underwear is optional, but the rest has to go," Jenna tells her, shrugging.

"Okay," she breathes out, peeling her shirt off, then her shorts. She's just in a bra and underwear, and she's been this naked in front of Jenna so many times now that it barely even bothers her anymore. Barely. "This robe is so comfy and fluffy."

Jenna looks over at her with a tiny smile and a shake of her head, before she takes off her t-shirt, then pulls off her shorts and lets them fall to her feet. Dahlia looks away, trying to give her privacy.

"Seriously, Dahlia? Baby much?" she shakes her head, reaching for her robe. So she turns back around, trying not to look at her.

"You get mad when I do turn away, and you call me a creep when I don't. Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it," Dahlia sighs, leaning back against the wall.

Jenna sighs before walking out and knocking on the door on their left as advised by the receptionist. Dahlia can vaguely hear a few other couples talking in their own rooms, as a worker opens the door.

"Face masks and pedicures are right this way," a woman approaches them and smiles, before turning and leading them through another door. "Unfortunately the customers before you are still in the process of their treatment and they have about ten minutes left. We have a steam room right through that door if you would like to wait there; that's what most customers like to do!"

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine," Jenna nods, grabbing Dahlia's arm. "We don't mind waiting."

"Great! I'll be back to get you when the other couple is finished," she tells them, before walking away and letting them go to the steam room.

They walk in and are immediately hit by a wave of moist heat. Dahlia takes in a stuffy breath, walking in behind Jenna.

"Aren't we doing this again after the pedicure thing?" Dahlia asks, following Jenna's lead by taking off her robe, setting it beside herself, and then sitting down on the bench. Half naked right next to a half-naked Jenna.

"Saunas and steam rooms are different, but it'll be a lot like this, yeah," Jenna replies, already sounding calm as she relaxes her shoulders and lays back against the wall, closing her eyes. Dahlia follows suit, sitting back and closing her own. "This one is going to be wet because of the steam, but a sauna just gets super hot and makes you sweat."

"And we want that why?" Dahlia asks, peaking her eye open to look at her.

"Sweating is good for you, and it loosens your muscles, genius. Now shut up and relax." Jenna tells her, shifting slightly, before breathing in deeply and letting her own shoulders relax as she breathes back out.

So Dahlia does. Well she tries, at least, but she's so hot that she can't relax. She's wet, and her skin is gross and sticky, and she's so, so uncomfortable. So she opens her eyes to look at Jenna and see how she's doing, but she never ends up saying anything. She gets distracted because she's laying there, her skin wet and shiny, and somehow she makes all of this look good. Her lips are parted as she slowly runs her slender hand over her neck, then collarbone, then shoulder, and her hair is curling around her face from the steam. Dahlia is hypnotized for a moment, before there's three knocks on the door, followed by, "We're ready for you!"

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