❧ thirty-three

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I shut the engine off, gathered my bag and keychain, and exited the car, locking it. I slung my bag on my shoulder as I pushed open the door and entered the apartment complex. I pressed the button on the elevator, not wanting to walk seven pairs of steps after a day of work.

While I waited, I leaned against the wall. My eyes wandered around the small lobby and I smiled at residents politely. Some of them were familiar faces, people I had seen in mornings when I went to work. They were, in their own ways, a part of my life now even though they didn't bring a major change in it. They were simply there.

The past couple of weeks living with Royden had changed my life, and not because I was finally allowed to go where I wanted to go, be with who I wanted to be and I could be myself without being criticized for it. It was freeing. I was happier.

When the elevator pinged, a couple of people walked out, sent smiles my way. I returned them with a single greeting before entering the elevator. I pressed the '7' and watched the doors close.

In less than 70 seconds I was up on the seventh floor and I stepped out, making my way towards the last apartment of the floor. My footsteps carried through the quiet hallway. The top floor was quietest. I always assumed it was since the prices of the apartments were higher than the other floors. Royden told me it were also the larger apartments. Only people with high incomes, with money to spent, would rent their apartments on top buildings.

As I stood in front of the door, turning the key in the lock, multiple voices headed my way. I frowned at the unfamiliarity of it all, because Royden never invited friends over. And if he did, it would be when I was gone and at work. They would have come and go when I was out.

Despite the strangeness, I jingled the doorknob and opened the door. A few heads turned in my direction. Most wore surprised faces and only two of them I recognized―one being my boyfriend's and the other's Anthony, who I had met before.

I showed them a little smile while closing the door behind me. I untied my coat, hung it on the coatrack as Royden headed his way towards me. He wore a tiny smile on his face, but I could tell he was slightly surprised by my return. He hadn't expected me home yet.

"Hey," he murmured as he leaned down and pecked my forehead. My face flushed a light pink as my eyes wandered towards his friends. They were watching us.

"Hi," I greeted him, locking my eyes on his. "Friends?"

He hummed a little and took my hand, fiddling with my fingers. "I thought you were gone longer. How was work?"

I nodded my head. "It was alright. I get less and less to do though, but we're still managing. I was dismissed early; Arthur wasn't feeling well and he wanted to close the store. That's why I'm home already."

He licked his lips once and I knew what he had wanted to say, but I shook my head a little. I patted his chest.

"We'll talk about it later. First you gotta introduce me to your friends."

I walked away from him, letting my fingers slide through his. Anthony stepped forward and pulled me into an embrace. My eyes widened a little before a small smile pulled at the corners of my lips and I hugged him back.

"Nice seeing you again," he grinned at me when he had let me go.

"Likewise," I smiled politely as my eyes wandered towards the other men. They were all Royden's age and they were all significantly taller than me, carrying a sort of responsibility over them, making them look bigger and more intimidating.

Hands came down on my shoulders. I looked up and met with Royden's gaze. He wore a small smile on his lips and squeezed my shoulders once.

"Guys, this is Waverly. She is my girlfriend," Royden introduced me to them. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the word 'girlfriend'. My face flushed pinker than before.

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