Why wont u let me die!!!!

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Damnit!!!! the doctors patched up my cuts... Before going to the hospital Tay had me cough up the pills.... Now someone has to watch for now... Like they have to be in the bathroom as I'm peeing!!!! And guess who's watching me!!?? No it's not Taylor!!!! Drum roll please!!!!


Idk why!!! Cuz Tay trusts him!!!! So what will happen Danny has to follow me everywhere!!! Tay had to call up the school to change Danny's schedule with mine!!!! Like WTF!?!? WHY WONT THEY LET ME DIE!!!! Plus am at the hospital Danny is asleep on a rest chair cuz he was watching me all night!!!! And I can't leave the room cuz Matt and Jordan r asleep on the floor blocking the door hugging each other.... All I need was a razor!!! Just to wash the pain....... ._.

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