Back In Black

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The rest of the semester and over the winter break Wednesday received many messages on the new device Xavier had given to her. Many from Enid, a few from Eugene and Xavier, and even one from Grandmama, a quite eerie portrait of her gummy smile. She also received one more message, nearing the beginning of the new semester.

"See you soon 🙂"

Wednesday found herself yearning to return to Nevermore the entire winter, even while on vacation in Transylvania, ultimately her favorite time of the year. She enjoyed hanging by her toes in a dark cave for a few weeks as much as the next Addams but a feeling deep inside her pulled for her return to the awfulness of Nevermore.

The thrill of the hunt for her mysterious texter gave her shivers up her spine as she racked her brain. Who could it be? She thought the only one watching her was Thornhill, but now she knew there had been multiple eyes searing their way into her.

Of course she felt no threat by the trivial messages that this stranger had sent but still, she just had to know. Wednesday refused to encourage their antics with a response but she did spend the long winter nights learning the ways of a computer to try and hack her way into finding who her new acquaintance could be but to no avail. They knew her genius and were about ten steps ahead of her. This interested her even more.

And now, as she was stepping out of the car and onto the front courtyard of Nevermore Academy to start a new semester she wondered, "who are you?"

A gust of wind blew past as the revving of a motorcycle engulfed Wednesday's being as a masked vigilante swerved around her. Stopping, the tire dragging out along the pavement, the motorcyclist removed his helmet.

Unphased by the near collision, Wednesday watched as a brute and studded boy emerged. Jewelry dangled from delicate ears, and a silver hoop adorned a crooked nose that Wednesday found to be too "pretty" to be masculine but somehow he wore his looks angrily.

He ignored the fact that he nearly took her out and pushed back his somewhat shaggy brunette hair from his eyes. He was no gorgon, vampire, werewolf or siren which struck the same question that resided on Wednesday's tormented young mind. "Who are you?"

As she gathered her things and Lurch left her to her own devices Wednesday realized that Nevermore was more crowded than usual. Dozens and dozens of new faces littered the quad. Wednesday didn't quite enjoy company to start but she absolutely despised meeting new people.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, finding one set of eyes that she recognized. Bianca, her normal posse surrounding her. She gave Wednesday a small smile and wave. Wednesday returned the gesture with a simple raise of the hand. While she still wasn't "the best of friends" as Enid would say, with Bianca she still decided to be civil with her.

Acknowledgement went a long way between two narcissistic people, it's really all they're looking for anyways. Wednesday decided she'll let Bianca believe she was better, stronger and wiser than Wednesday. As long as Wednesday knew that these things weren't exactly true, she could tolerate Bianca.

Another familiar pair of eyes met Wednesday's at that moment. Xavier brightened as he saw her. A smile cracked and he made a start across the quad, rearing up to tease her about her awful texting etiquette and the even worse, the accidental FaceTime call they shared over the break. But before he could even make his way to her Wednesday was nearly tackled to the ground by a blaze of pink.

Startled Wednesday went into defense mode, her hands up and ready to kill, but her defenses lowered as she realized it was just her colorful baby wolf of a roommate. Well, she didn't really look like a baby anymore. Enid's hair was a tad longer and much more coily. She had blossomed over the break as she had grown into her claws. Her figure more mature with a new look in her eyes. Enid had spent the last month "wolfing out" in the Norway countryside with her cousins. She became part of a real pack and that brought a lot out of her. She was nearly unrecognizable to Wednesday other than her same bright smile and large eyes.

Wednesday: Love Is A Sickness Full Of Woe (Wednesday X Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now