Child Of Vision

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Anastasius had given up on his idea of revenge towards his father. Although he desperately wanted to get back to his old life in Greece he had begun finding Nevermore quite interesting. The killer, Wednesday, and her growing power. He wanted to figure out what the deal was. It seemed wherever she went terror and torment clung to her like wet clothes.

Speaking of Wednesday, he had accompanied her to Nevermore's library. He watched as she scoured through dozens of open books sprawled out on the table. Advanced Witchcraft, Inside The Mind Of Total Mimicry, A Detailed History of Catastrophic Supernatural Events, and so much more. Overwhelming knowledge of a world Wednesday still didn't completely understand. It was a lot to digest in just one sitting.

She figured she'd fill Anastasius in on the details of her little stalker-turned-murderer. She felt like she could trust him as he had no connection to what happened here last semester and growing up being taught all kinds of things about the supernatural world by his father, maybe he'd be of some insight. Plus he wasn't her friend, she couldn't get the others involved, it was too risky.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Anastasius questioned, he was sitting back, boots on the table and arms folded over, watching her scan page after page.

"I need to figure out how I can distinguish the mimic when they're changing." Wednesday had figured out that once Patricia had officially died, so did the Mimics' ability to take her shape, no life force for them to feed off of. That meant there weren't any more invisible killers roaming around inside the walls of Nevermore. They had to be visible, but they could be anyone.

"You're smart, I'm sure you'll figure it out," Anastasius said, picking up the book nearest to him, The Composition of A Mimic. Flipping through the pages there wasn't much that they didn't already know from the other 20 books they had read in the last few days.

A mimic can only be born to two pure mimics. If one parent were of human descent the child would be born with no supernatural ability and would be given a chance at a normal life. Mimics, much like homicidal maniacs, look like everyone else. Their first encounter with another being of supernatural powers besides their parents is when they shift into their true being, for this reason, many mimics over the decades have grown dormant, their bloodline dying out as they live simple lives with no contact with the supernatural world.

Mimics are a rarity, none documented for several decades, as they hide their true power behind other abilities that they copy from their acquaintances. If a mimic were found out The Ministry of Occult Beings would surely capture and kill them. They are much too powerful and hot-blooded to keep alive.

Wednesday wondered how such a powerful, pure-blooded mimic could stay alive this long, surely someone had to know of their existence. Unless they didn't know of their own existence before coming to Nevermore. "Anastasius, how many students at Nevermore are orphans?"

He raised his eyebrow, questioning where she was going with this. "Maybe our suspect is new to this mimicry game. Their powers stay stagnant until surrounded by others of supernatural nature. If they didn't have anyone to teach them about their powers it would explain why they're acting out now."

Anastasius sat up straight, "They're power hungry." He pulled out his phone, scrolling through his pictures of the files he had taken that night in his father's office, Wednesday doing the same. "I have four." He said counting the last one.

"Five," Wednesday said, writing down the names of each one in her notebook. "Nine suspects, that's much better than a few hundred." The nine suspects, a werewolf, a vampire, two noppor-bō's, fraternal twins, a fairy, three psychics, and- "Patricia! The last orphan." She hurriedly closed the books, stuffing them back into her oversized bag, "That's what connects them."

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