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Just finished this. Here it is, longer than ever. Cuter than ever. And the ending we all deserve. I'm gonna sleep now.

It was a normal day in the league. Dabi and Spinner played cards. Toga and Twices watched TV while the adults drank their sorrows away. It was peaceful. Nice. Then the door was smashed open. Tomura walked in with a big grin.


Kuro immediately turned back.

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

After a small laugh, he showed his left hand. Kuro blinked at the ring.


"Fucking way!"

"Are you serious!?"

Dabi and Toga ran to him. Grabbing his hand and turning it in every direction possible. Toga was smilling so wide and hugged Shiggy.

"It's a ring!"

Dabi smacked his shoulder.

"It's a fucking ring!"

Spinner sighed.

"What a big mistake. There's no diamond!"

Compressor chuckled while Twice started making diamonds.

"I've made them! We just have to glue them!"

A shove from Compressor made Kuro blink back to reality. Yellow mist falling down in tears.

"My boy is... Engaged!!!!!!!"

The TV turned on.


A knife was thrown at it, blue fire burned it and a portal took it to an open volcano.

"My boy's engaged!"

"We have to throw a Bachelorette party!"

"No longer single baby! We get all the bitches!"

Compressor went behind the counter and took the glasses out.

"Here, let's celebrate."

"Oh yeah! I'm not letting you leave until Eraser picks you up!"

"We NEED vodka then!"

Shota took a deep breath and pressed the call button. After a few rings, they picked up. Nemuri's face was showed off the screen by Hizashi.


She pushed him off.

"Heo did it go!? What did he say?!"

Shota licked his lips, showing his hand.


"Fuck yeah!"

He laughed at them

"When is the wedding!?"

"Who's invited!? I'm the man of honor, right!?"

"And the first kid!?"

"Eri is more than enough."

The little girl nodded from the couch. Going back to her tablet. Shota laughed.

"I can't believe how happy I am..."

Nemuri smiled.

"You deserve that much."

"Yeah! What she said."

"... I can't help but wonder if... It's all real."

"Then pinch yourself."

"Already did."

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