Pizza Date

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Fourth day of dating Eraserhead. Only three days left, and he will have no reason to play along with me. I already knew this, whatever we have won't last long. There's to much at risk for Aizawa.

But, four days have made me happier than when sensei found me. Or when i passed a difficult level. Being with Aizawa, makes me happy.
Which scares me. I don't know if he's just waiting for the right moment to betray me.

But I'm willing to play dumb, if it means we can spend more time together. Tomura was gonna wear his usual outfit, until Toga busted through his door.

"Shiggy! We went shopping! Why are going to wear the same outfit?!"

"Get out of my room!"

He pushed her out and looked at the outfit Toga gave him. To be honest, he likes it. It's not really different from what he usually wears, okay. It's the same shirt but new. A black long sleeved shirt that exposed his shoulders. His usual black pants and something new. A black choker.

Toga bought it for him and although he wouldn't normally wear it since it felt like he was being strangled.
He didn't like remembering that training session he had with sensei. Ugh. He put it on, felling slightly choked. He swallowed a few times, getting used to having it on his neck.

He wore his red shoes and looked at father. Should he? Yeah, just in case. He shouldn't leave father alone. Hmm, maybe I should style my hair? It has gotten a bit longer... But what should I even do? A bun like Toga's? Maybe, i should ask Kuro. He went down and ignored everyones reactions. Toga squealed, jumping up and down in joy. Dabi whistled.

"Look at you, Eraserhead gonna get some-"


He looked away from Kurogiri.

"Haven't said anything. "

Tomura walked behind the bar counter to where Kuro was standing. Kuro looked at him.

"You look good, ready for the date?"

Shigaraki nodded and started scratching his neck.

"Is, there something else?"

"... Yeah can you... Ugh, tie my hair?"

Kurogiri blinked. Tomura asked him for help? Tomura wants him to tie his hair and get dangerously close to his neck? What. He could tell Tomura wanted to leave so he quickly responded.

"Oh, sure. Yeah, hold on."

Kuro left and came back with a hair tie, tying half of Tomura's hair up. He stepped back, Tomura got up and spoke while passing Kurogiri.


Oh God, is Tomura dying? Is this the end? Tomura left the bar, leaving Kurogiri alone with his proud and confused feelings.


Eraserhead was in his hero costume. Of course. He looked at Shigaraki up and down, suddenly moving his scarf higher up his face. He looked away.

"... You look good."

That's all he said before he jumped off. Shigaraki blinked before following him. Noticing that Aizawa had a backpack. Does it have food? Ohagi? Tomura came to screeching halt to avoid crashing onto Aizawa. The hero turned around, slowly reached into his back and pulled out two-


He didn't forget! Shigaraki ate them while Aizawa finished his patrol. Once done, they went to a park where Aizawa entered the bathroom out of nowhere. Shigaraki stood by the door.

"Couldn't hold it in?"

He heard a grumble and snickered. Aizawa didn't take long. He came out in a white turtleneck sweater. He looked at Shigaraki, not being able to see his face because of the hand but his pink neck gave everything away. Aizawa smirked, taking a step closer to Shigaraki who stepped back. Hitting the wall.

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