The Test - Week 5

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Merry Christmas eve eve! I was losing my patience and today was the only day I could upload this chapter because the friend who's writing this with me is going out of town tomorrow morning, so I thought it'd be alright to give y'all the first chapter for a teaser.

I'll plan on updating more tomorrow and on Christmas day. Thank you guys so much for all the votes and support on the first book, we appreciate it a lot! 

Merry Christmas everyone!

~Your tired and busy authors


I paced back and forth, a pile of positive pregnancy tests lying on the bathroom counter. I stared at the floor while I anxiously waited for the timer to go off. This was it, the moment of truth. If this test was positive, then there was no escape from the truth.

I jumped when I heard a knock on the door.

"Everything okay in there, Baby Doll?" Yuuji asked, nervously, but also patiently.

"Yeah," I blurted anxiously. "Everything's fine!"

After a moment of silence, the test finally went off. I snatched it off the bathroom counter and watched as it showed two pink lines. It was positive. My mind was overflowing with thoughts. How will I tell Yuuji? Should I tell Akiara, too? What about our parents? Are we even ready for a kid?

Of course, Yuuji already knew about the tests, but that was because I haven't been feeling very well lately and was showing a few symptoms of pregnancy. I'm not sure if it was actually planned or not. But none of that mattered right now, because all my fears are becoming a reality.

I opened the door, giving Yuuji a soft smile of mixed emotions.

"So, how'd it go?" He asked.

"Well," I said, trying not to break down into tears, "it's definitely positive."

He gave me a look that was hard to decipher. Was he mad? Did he want a baby? Is he happy?

I couldn't hold it back anymore, tears started streaming down my cheeks as Yuuji held me close. "I'm so sorry, Yuuji."

He looked at me softly, "Oh, Baby Doll. There's nothing to be sorry for." He reassured me. "This is amazing. There's no reason to be crying about it. Besides, you can't control these kinds of things."

"So your not mad?" I sniffled.

"Why would I be? My Baby Doll's pregnant."

"It really is a miracle, isn't it?" I said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"(Y/N), you're a miracle." He whispered.

"I'm glad you're here, Yuuji," I said, "I really don't know what I'd do without you."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere, Baby Doll."


"WHAT?!" Akiara exclaimed through the phone.

I laughed nervously, "Yep, we're pregnant..."

"Bitch! I'm coming over!" She shouted. "That's amazing, but now I have an excuse to beat Yuuji's ass."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't you have your own baby and husband to worry about?"

"No, Kuroo's at work, and the worst things the baby's doing so far is morning sickness and stuff. So why not use your pregnancy as an excuse to come over?"

I laughed, "Well, I'll see you later then," I said, "I have to go and help Yuuji in the salon today."

"Alright," Akiara replied, "bye bitch, I love you!"

I hung up, putting my phone in my back pocket. I sighed as I grabbed the broom and helped Yuuji clean up all the hair on the floor.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Baby Doll," Yuuji told me, "I would hate for you to hurt the baby. At least let me hold the dustpan for you so you don't have to bend over so far."

I rolled my eyes, "Yuuji, I'm pregnant, not disabled. I can do things on my own."

"Well, yeah," he said, "I know that. But you still need to be careful. Let me hold the dustpan for you."

"Yuuji I'm fine."

"Let me hold the dustpan for you." He commanded.

I sighed as I tossed him the dustpan, "Fine." I mumbled.

After graduation, Yuuji decided to get a job as an apprentice hairstylist in Tokyo. So I helped him out at the salon sometimes.

He knelt down and held the dustpan so that I could sweep the hair into it. "So what time do you get off work again?" I asked.

"Five thirty." He said.

I nodded, looking at the clock as it read '5:15'.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" I asked.

"We got everything done, I think. If you want to though, you can help me push all these chairs in."

"Sure!" I accepted. I immediately got to work and started to push all the chairs in.

"Are you ready to go home?" Yuuji asked.

"Yeah," I answered, "I think so."

"Have a good night, Terushima," Yuuji's boss called, "keep up the good work, and I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Thanks! You too!" Yuuji called, opening the door for me. I walked out as he followed close behind, helping me into the car, too.

"You do know I'm not completely helpless, right?" I questioned.

"Well, yeah," he answered, "but who says I can't spoil and take care of my Baby Doll?"

He backed out of the parking lot after making sure everyone was buckled.

"I know," I admitted, "but I can do things on my own too."

We both laughed for a minute, "Alright, Baby Doll, you win." He said. "But I'm never going to stop taking care of you."

"Alright, that seems fair enough."


Here's the chapter we promised! It's slightly shorter than the rest, but there's more to come! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! My friend and I stayed up until past midnight last night working on this for you guys! We'll try to post some more chapters tomorrow!

Merry Christmas! 😘

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