The Hospital - Week 10

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Yuuji panicked. How are you supposed to help your pregnant wife in these situations? I was unconscious in the bathroom doorway, after all.

He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed nine-one-one, frantically telling them what had happened. The ambulance arrived about fifteen minutes later and took me to the hospital.

"Is she going to be alright?" Yuuji asked worriedly.

"Yes," the doctor assured him, "she'll be alright. She's just dehydrated from not being able to keep anything down—proof that her pregnancy is slightly more difficult than normal."

Yuuji nodded.

"Is there anything you want to tell me about her condition?" the doctor asked him, looking over her chart. "Any medical history that you know of?"

"I'm . . . not sure," Yuuji said.

"How far along is she?" The doctor wondered.

"Ten weeks," Yuuji informed her.

"I see. Well, don't worry. She's going to be fine. Just make sure she gets plenty of rest and drinks plenty of fluids."

"Thank you." Yuuji hung around the hospital for a while, sitting by my bed and holding my hand, until my mom came and got him, telling him I was fine and not to worry about me. I woke up a few hours later, dizzy and nauseous, but otherwise fine.

"How are you feeling?" my mom asked me.

"Like I got hit by a truck."

"Well, at least you're alive."

"What happened, Mom?"

"You fainted, is all," she explained.

"I've never fainted before."

"Well, hon, you're pregnant. Every pregnancy is different, and this just so happens to be how yours is right now." She explained. "But you'll get through it and everything will be just fine."

"Thanks, Mom."

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight? You probably won't eat anything, and it's going to be a long night."

"Yes, please. I'd like that."

She smiled. "Okay, I'll be right back."

Yuuji was gone by the time my mom returned, so I was alone with my thoughts. Oh, how I wanted this pregnancy to be over with. I wanted to be able to play sports and go to amusement parks—to do fun things again. I missed doing all of those things, and more than anything, I missed feeling normal again. I'd give anything to feel like a normal college student for even five minutes. But I knew it wouldn't be like that.

Pregnancy was a different kind of monster. You couldn't fight it, and if you did, it would only win. I had to find a way to make it my ally, to make it a part of me. Because I was going to need it. So I waited. And I watched. And I felt. And I learned. I watched as my body grew. I watched as my insides became a mystery. I felt love, and I felt worried. I learned about my own body and my own mind.

And I learned one more thing: monsters can give, and they can take. But they can never beat you. You can beat them. You can defeat them. All you need is the courage to do what needs to be done. In this case, I had to find something that I could eat, something the baby would allow me to eat. And I needed to make it through this pregnancy without killing anyone.

But that was the least of my worries. Almost twelve years had passed since we were separated in middle school. A lot can happen in twelve years. I didn't see him again for a long time after he left for high school. But I saw him again. And he saw me. We both knew what was coming. And now, here we are, married and pregnant. We both have a lot to look forward to. I don't know what's going to happen, but I know it'll be amazing.

Merry Christmas!! More chapters are coming soon!😉

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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