Morning Sickness - Week 10

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I woke up the next morning and immediately rushed into the bathroom to vomit. Morning sickness was probably one of the worst parts of being pregnant. You didn't just throw it back—you got it down. But this morning sickness was different. It was more intense. It was the first time in my pregnancy that I actually felt sick to my stomach. I wanted nothing more than to lay down. But that would just make me even sicker.

I tried to stay busy. I got a lot of work done around the house. But the second I started to feel bad, I had to stop what I was doing. Yuuji kept saying I should lie down , and he'd stay with me until I felt better, but that just made me feel worse. I needed to be alone, away from everyone else, to get my energy back. I was hungry but everything I ate ended up being thrown up again.

Yuuji left me alone for a bit, and after that I started feeling a little better. I got out of bed and looked around the house to see if there was anything I needed. I wanted to take a shower, but my lower half felt like it was on fire. It would be impossible to walk, let alone take a shower. I went to the kitchen to see if there was any ginger ale, but it was gone.

"Where is everything?" I asked myself. "How is this even possible?"

I tried not to cry. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, weak and pathetic. Even though Yuuji was the only other person living in the apartment with me, I felt embarrassed to be showing him how much I was struggling.

I sat on the couch and tried to decide if I should take a nap or get up. I felt like I hadn't slept all night, but I also felt worse if I didn't get some rest. I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep for a bit. This pregnancy was tiring in a different way from being on the volleyball team. I was exhausted, but I felt like a new, more tired, version of myself. I was weaker and sicker, and my stomach was like a balloon, getting larger as time went by.

I woke up feeling better, though I still felt weak. I sat up and looked at my phone. It was almost noon. I wondered how long it would take for the nausea to pass. I got up and put my feet on the floor. I wobbled my way over to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I needed to get my energy back, and I needed to not pass out.

"You okay, Baby Doll?" Yuuji worriedly asked me.

I smiled and gave him a thumbs-up. "Thanks for always being there for me," I said. "I love you."

Yuuji smiled.

He was a great husband.
I went to the store to stock up on food and drink, and I made myself a little more than I should have. It was midday and I hadn't eaten yet, and that made me sick.

On my way to the store, I was sick and I reached for a bag to puke in—swerving while trying to grab a bag and being pulled over by law enforcement because I looked like I was an intoxicated driver.

I got my stomach under control, and the police officer looked at me as I explained what was going on. I must have sounded convincing because he let me go with a warning.

I got my groceries and got back to the apartment. I went to put away my food and headed for the bathroom. I made it about halfway before I threw up. I threw up twice more while I was in the bathroom.

"Are you sure you're alright Baby Doll?" Yuuji questioned. "You've been throwing up everything you eat. I'm not sure this is normal."

"Don't worry," I assured him, "I'll be fine. I'll just be sick for a little bit. I'm fine. Really. I'm pregnant, not dying. It's normal to get sick with morning sickness, right?"

"I hope so. I really hope so. I'm worried, (Y/N). You can't keep anything down. And I don't think this is all because of your morning sickness."

"I'm fine. I'm fine," I said, even though my voice sounded hoarse and weak.

Yuuji rubbed my back. "I love you," he said.
"I love you too."

I shut the door to the bathroom and leaned against it. I didn't have the energy to be sick again, so I just closed my eyes and rested against the door. I needed a rest. I needed time to recover. I just wanted to rest and be alone.
But that wasn't an option.

My phone rang, and I saw that it was my mother.

"Hey Mom," I said groggily.

"Hi, Darling. Are you feeling better?"

"I'm fine," I said. "Just sick."

"Oh. I was calling to check on you. I was worried after Yuuji told me to talk to you."

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

"You should eat something," she said.

"I know," I groaned, "but I can't keep anything down."

"I'll come by later," she said. "I'll bring dinner."

"No, don't do that. I'll be fine," I said. "Really. I'm fine."

"Don't be silly," she said. "I want to see you. I don't like you being sick."

"I'll be fine," I insisted, "Really."

"Alright," she gave up. "Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm good."

"Okay, well I'll see you later."


I hung up the phone and leaned against the bathroom door.

The next call didn't go any better.

It was my Akiara.

"Hey Aki," I answered, feeling groggy.

"Hey," Akiara said. "How are you doing?"

"I'm sick," I sighed. "But I'll be fine."

"I heard."

"What did you want?" I asked, wanting to change the subject.


"You called," I pointed out. "What do you want?"

"Nothing. Forget about it."

"Fine," I said. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Just tired. Kuroos been at work all day and my cravings are driving me crazy."

"I know the feeling," I chuckled.

Akiara let out a small laugh. "I've been calling you since the other night. You never pick up."

"I was sick," I explained.

"You weren't answering your phone."

"I'm fine now," I said. "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, I guess."

I closed my eyes and tried to get some rest, but that wasn't going to happen. Not with an empty stomach and a pounding headache. I was going to be sick again soon.

I tried to get comfortable lying down on the floor, but that wasn't going to happen either. I needed to be in a bed. I needed to be held.

I started to walk towards our bedroom, but I collapsed on the floor in the bathroom doorway. And that's when everything went black.

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