Chapter 32

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Duke of Qingping Manor

"Oh? There really isn't a moment of peace," what happened at Zhonglin Courtyard soon reached Pei Yuanxian's ears. Pei Yuanxian stroked the red fox on his lap while smiling mischievously and said, "Go. Find a way to spread the news that the bandits who targeted Liangliang and those who kidnapped the young prince Duanyu are of the same group reach the Elder Princess's ears. Let's stoke the fire at the Marquis Donglin Manor."

"Um....." when Tianshu and the others received their master's orders, their expressions darkened. Wasn't their master only creating chaos?

"Not going yet?"

"Yes master," with the raise of Pei Yuanxian's head, the group had no choice but to stow away their desire to gossip and wonder. Yaoguang, the one amongst their group that had always been the most daring and audacious, hid behind Tianshu as he whispered, "And he still says he doesn't like the other party. He's even hurrying to do good deeds for him now."

"Yaoguang, do you feel inclined to head to the northwest border?" amongst those who were present, which of them had martial foundations stronger than Pei Yuanxian. Not a word yaoguang murmured escaped Pei Yuanxian's ears. 

"No, no, no... Lord, you heard wrong. I didn't say anything," who wanted to go to the northwest border, that bitter cold place? Yaoguang hurriedly waved his hand in denial. 

Pei Yuanxian didn't have any intentions to pursue the matter with him, "Has the news been spread?"

"I've ordered people to rush the news to the northwest border. Do you sincerely believe there're spies in the army?" as the leader of the Ironclad Guards, Tianshu carried the necessary traits of a leader. He was both prudent and mature, but even so, he couldn't understand why his master was able to trust Shen Liang's words so blindly.

"Once the forest is large enough, it can harbor any kind and type of bird. There's no harm in having the second eldest look into the matter. The Huo Family army could be considered our eldest brother's army. We cannot allow any mishaps to occur to it," sweeping away all joking matter, Pei Yuanxian turned solemn. A rare murderous intent lurked deep in his phoenix eyes.

"This subordinate obliges," Tianshu clasped his fist and bowed. His master wasn't blindly trusting Shen Liang, but the concern Shen Liang had raised simply wasn't one Pei Yuanxian could take a chance with. Concerning betrayal, he would much rather mistakenly kill a thousand than let go even one of them.

"Have the Marquis Huaiyang family watch out for themselves. The old emperor will take this opportunity to eradicate the Jing Family," he still hadn't notified his friend Jing Xiran at this moment. Ever since the Marquis Huaiyang had received the imperial edict, he had worked hard to oblige and live up to the imperial decree. Without any cold evidence, the old marquis probably wouldn't trust anything he said. 

"Rest assured, master. Kaiyang has personally led some personnel to look into the matter. He should have results soon."

"En," Pei Yuanxian waved his hand. He leaned back on the couch and his mauve gown appeared dark in gradient, but luxurious in design. 

Tianshu spoke with concern, "Master, your injury is getting harder to heal. Perhaps you should return to Shengfeng and ask the master to concoct the medicine for you?"

"No need," Pei Yuanxian's eyes narrowed slightly as he shook his head. Seeing this, Tianshu, who originally wanted to persuade again, had to give up. No one realized that the old butler Lin, who had carried a tray of tea to the entrance sighed before leaving quietly.

Marquis Donglin Main Headquarters.

"What did you say?!" ever since she had returned from the Zhonglin Manor, Liu Shuhan had subtly sensed that nothing appeared to be going according to her plan ever since Shen Liang's return. Shen Liang had indeed successfully helped the second and third family gain authority and power, but Liu Shuhan was still confident. After all, she truly had no parts in what happened with Zhonglin Courtyard. So what if they planted evidence on her? She had handled matters in the Marquis Dongling Manor for over ten years now and wasn't that easy to take down. But she would've never dreamed that her daughter would tell her that she was the one who ordered people to ransack the Zhonglin Courtyard. 

"Mother, I was angered by Shen Liang, that b*stard. He actually dared to even hit you..."

Slap! the strike echoed in the courtyard. Shen Qiang's coquettish sophistry came to an abrupt stop as silence roared in the room. After a long while, Shen Qiang finally raised her hand up to her slapped cheek as she looked at her mother with disbelief and tear-filled gaze. Her mother had slapped her?

"Are you aware of what foolishness you have committed?" to be met with her daughter's pitiful demeanor, it would be a lie to say Liu Shuhan wasn't distressed in the least bit. But she managed to suppress her emotions. Since Shen Liang's return, her daughter has grown more and more audacious and impulsive. Her previous cleverness and sophistication had diminished without a trace. If Liu Shuhan didn't discipline her now, then her daughter would only commit graver sins in the future. She had contributed too much in her daughter's education and upbringing, not for her daughter to foolishly deliver herself on a platter to be gutted by Shen Liang's schemes.

"Mother..." the moment Shen Qiang's lips opened, tears started to splatter on the ground. Liu Shuhan looked at her deeply for a while before helplessly pulling her over and sighing helplessly, "Qiang'er, do you know with this one act of anger, how much we stand to lose? Worst case scenario, all of mother's authority may be revoked. Since young, I have taught you to consider and think before you act. No matter what you face, you must not wear your emotions on your sleeves and for your opponents to see clearly. You are destined to marry into the imperial family, but now a single Shen Liang has reduced you to be so impulsive. How will you stand to manage the imperial court then?"

Liu Shuhan placed high hopes and expectations on this daughter of hers and anticipated to marry her into the imperial family one day. Seeing her lose her usual cleverness and rational, how was it possible for Liu Shuhan to not be disappointed?

"Mother... I'm sorry..." as Shen Qiang finally realized the severity of her actions, Shen Qiang threw herself into Liu Shuhan's embrace fiercely, "It's all daughter's fault... sob...."

"Alright, alright. As long as you know your mistake," hugging onto her daughter, Liu Shuhan gently patted her daughter's back in distress.

"But mother. Our authority..."Shen Qiang was finally able to suppress her tears before she could raise her head and manage out hesitantly. 

Liu Shuhan raised her hand to smooth her hair, "Mother has been running the Marquis Manor for over twenty years now. So what if they took away the authority? WE have plenty of ways to have them obediently give it back to us."

"It's still mother who's the most impressive," hearing this, a smile finally broke through on Shen Qiang's face. She just knew it. If her mother was so easy to deal with, how was it possible for her to remain in power for so long?

"Oh you," Liu Shuhan reached out and tapped her daughter's head both helplessly and filled with pampering. But then her expression turned solemn, "Remember, for now, do not go against Shen Liang. That little b*stard is more impressive than we expect. Wait until the Liu Family and the matter with the madame's authority is settled first. Mother will naturally deal with him then. As for now, let him have his peace."

"En," Shen Qiang who had realized her mistake, nodded her head obediently. Afterwards the mother-daughter pair resumed their former intimate dynamic. 

Rebirth of Poisoned Empress, by 颜若优雅Where stories live. Discover now