Chapter 106

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"What did you say? Say that again?" Sure enough, when Liu Shuhan derived that Shen Xiao had been arrested by the Ministry of Punishment, Liu Shuhan knocked over the bowl before her in shock. Shen Qiang, who had came to accompany her was also stunned as her mouth gaped wide open. The mother-daughter pair were frightened out of their wits. 

"How can that be. What did Xiao'er do that the Ministry of Punishment would come to arrest him for?" When Liu Shuhan finally regained her senses, she excitedly grabbed the maid who came to deliver the news. Her two hands were like iron clamps that gripped tightly into the other party's arms. 

The maid immediately felt pain and her muscles twitched, but she still didn't dare to push Liu Shuhan away. She could only endure the pain with cold sweat as she responded: "Responding, responding to the madame's question, they say the Prince Consort Duan personally led the soldiers to the Imperial College to arrest the second and fourth young master away. Even the marquis didn't know about it. The servant never asked the person who delivered the news clearly on ...Ah...."

"You useless wrench! The Marquis Manor would be better off raising a dog than raising you!"

The maid couldn't even finish her words when she felt her world spin. The next second, before she even knew it, she had been thrown to the ground. Liu Shuhan glared viciously at her as she yelled: "Scram!"

"Yes, yes... this servant will excuse herself now..." the maid burst into tears but didn't dare to dally. She couldn't pay any heed to the pain in her arms as she scrambled up to run away.

"Prince Consort Duan. It's him again. It can't be that he's insistent on putting an end to us?" After she chased away the maid, Liu Shuhan clenched her hands into fists and gritted her teeth as she forced out with hatred and resentment. Her eyes widened with madness. For a woman, her son's life was undoubtedly more important that her own. If the Elder Princess's people only touched Liu Wenjin, she could still endure it, but now, they wouldn't even let her son go. Liu Shuhan hated she could rush over to the Elder Princess's manor to make a fuss right now.

"Mother, Mother, what should we do now. Nothing can happen to Ge Ge!" Shen Xiao was not only Liu Shuhan's biggest reliance, but also Shen Qiang's as well. Today, because of Shen Liang, their reputation was tantamount to having been ruined. Even Shen Ruiting disliked them more and more and even promoted a mere concubine over their heads. Their only hope left had been Shen Xiao getting a good placement and results in the upcoming enke exams this July. If he could, there would still be room for recovery. But now, Shen Xiao had been arrested by the prince consort. If they charged him with a crime, what hope do they have left?

"I know. Let me think. Let me think about this..." after her initial fury, Liu Shuhan paced around the room in a panic. Her hands trembled anxiously as her mind felt muddled and confused. It was only a long while before she suddenly sounded: "Marquis. Yes, find the marquis. Xiao'er is his son. He can't possibly just sit back and see him..." Liu Shuhan exclaimed as she hurried out.

Shen Qiang and the head maid Huai Zhi hurriedly rushed forward to pull her into a stop: "Mother, please calm down. Father should still be at the court offices at this time. Will you go there to find him?"

"Yes, madame. It's fruitless for us to panic right now. Why don't this servant find someone to send a message over to the court office to notify the marquis?" 

"What time and moment is this now that he's still in the mood to sit in the court office?!" Not only did Liu Shuhan not calm down, but she became even more unreasonable. The resentment that had accumulated throughout this period of troublesome time immediately burst through. Her daughter and son were her bottom lines. This time, she truly felt pained.

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