special chapter no. 1

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Palin's POV

"you didn't hear me? Do you want me to repeate? "

I asked him with worry.

"can you say that once more. I think i misheard you"

He said very hastily. How can he be always HANSOME like this.
I think i made a good decision by choosing him as my boyfriend.....no no fake boyfriend i guess

"okie no problem ☺️.......
I told uncle James that if i ever married someone, it would be only you "

After hearing me he placed his hands on his head, and blinked his eyes rapidly.
Why is he blinking his eyes this much......and walking sidewise?
Wait.... Is he dancing.....
I am not sure......
Oh my god.... Now i get it... He is probably drunk,his legs seems wobbly......
But drunk peoples reek of alcohol right ?
So that means he is not drunk......
Then why........

"Leo... Leo can you hear me "

I asked grabbing his shoulder.
And yes instead of replying me he fainted upon me........
I have seen heroes holding heroine like this in many movies, but never in my whole life i thought i will end up like this....


Don't scare me Leo.........

I know this is tooooo short.
But this is not a real chapter.
(I didn't even read it before publishing so errors are everywhere..........)

See you soon

With ❤


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