chapter19The kiss 😘

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One week later.........

So many things got changed in such a short timespan.....

After seeing Leo got hurt by Nancy, Lin became more protective towards Leo.
He literally took the place of Leo's guardian without him knowing.
Leo is also not complaining about that..... because......he is really enjoying the special treatment he is receiving from Lin,Just like like today...........

“How many times do I have to tell you......
don't drink water before finishing your food....... now look at you... how can you finish  this tasty food  if your tummy is full of water..... ”

Who will not drink water if you put this much salt and chilli in food.......
It's my Ma’s prayer......that I am still alive.... Other wise I should have already dead by now eating your crazy experiments

“You need to grow more....... You are already looking like a Skelton. From now on I will visit you more frequently 😁
So I can prepare you delicious food like this 😁 I want a chubby Leo 😁”

“please don't do that....... ”

“Why ?”

because I don't want to die this early 😭'

“If you keep working that hard.... You will became tired...... I don't want want to see you in that condition..... I like energetic Lin”

“Oh my baby is sooooo concerned about me....... ”

‘don't think too much Leo....... Lin is just in his ‘Mama ’ mode. So just avoid what he is saying......... It is good for your heart ’

But his line of thoughts got cut, when a pair of smooth Hands grabbed his face.....

God..... What is happening....... Why is he grabbing  my face like that..... Is he going to.....

when he was  busy battling with his inner self, he didn't realised that Lin's face is soooooo close to him.

“You know what....... Good boys deserves rewards for their good behavior....... You are a good You.... also...deserve a reward from me... ”

re-reward?...... REWARD FROM LIN?...... what is he planning?...... ’

Before he could think or do something Lin kissed him........
he kissed on his right cheek....... then left cheek, then his forehead ......
...... and lastly he inched towards Leo's lips.........

But when they are just millimetres apart from tasting each others lips..... Lin retreated covering his face with his Palms..........

Leo who was shocked from Lin's sudden braveness touched his cheeks where Lin had kissed him earlier.

‘What the hell did just happened..... am I dreaming..... This feels so weird and...... unreal’

Suddenly Lin started to hit Leo with his both hands.

“Hey why are you hitting me? ”

“it's all your fault..... Now I am shy......
Why are you soooooo perfect.....ok let me try once more”

Saying this, Lin again placed his hands on Leo's face and get close to him for kiss him. But before he could do that, Leo pushed him softly ......sighing .

“Lin.... What are you doing ?”

The coldness in Leo's voice and the fact Leo pushed him when he was about to kiss Leo brought tears in Lin's eyes.

“ We...I..... I  wa-was... about to ki-kiss you?”

“Why would you kiss me Lin?.......
What are we?...... ”

Suddenly the hurt look on Lin's face vanished and a broken smile bloomed in his face.

Wiping his tears  he somehow managed to say the next words without looking at Leo

“S-sorry..... it was all Lin's f-fault.....
Lin shouldn't.... h-have done that  earlier....... Leo m-must feel *sob* dis-disgusted  *sob* by Lin...... ”

“Hey...that's not..... ”

“f-from now on *sob*...... Lin won't c-come here to...... disturb you......good bye.... Leo”

Without waiting for Leo's reply Lin ran away from there.....


Hello friends......

Don't worry this is the only sad chapter in this story 😁.

Vote if you liked this chapter.

I haven't edited this chapter..... So errors are everywhere

See you soon

With 💛

Meenu ☺️

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