chapter11 You can't like my friend 😬

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At Leo's place

"wow you are rich"

"says Mr Palin,whose father is a business man"

Hearing these words from Leo Lin's face dropped. He looked at Leo with a sad expression and Leo notices it.


"why are you apologising ? "

"I thought.... "

"leave it.... do you have ice cream here? "

Leo's POV

Again ice cream?
It's have been years since I ate ice cream.... Until today he bought one for me.

"this is my home, not an ice cream parlor "

"ha ha ha nice comedy. I can't stop laughing. "

sarcastic ?
Wait till I receive molly's message. I show you who is the real villain here *evil laugh *

"why are you laughing alone? "

Oh shit,I forgot he is here....
What to do.....
I need to keep him away for a while....otherwise I can't message Molly......
Think Leo... You can find a way......think....
Oh yes that is a good idea.... Leo you are not only handsome but also intelligent....

"oh my Goddddd"

I hope this will work....

"What... What happened ?
Why are you screaming ? "

"there.... there is a..."


"There is a big cockroach on your..... "

"cockroach ?
What are you a 5 years old kid?...... Ok where is it ? I will get rid of it for you... "

"you... You aren't afraid of cockroaches? "

"No? "

Shit.... Then why did she said that...... Molly can't be wrong right...... after all she is his childhood friend......

"Molly... told me that you are afraid of them... "

"ohh she already told you that "

I should be the one here sulking because my plan failed miserably but here he is the one pouting his lips and looking at me with that weird expression

"hey she didn't said that to make you feel embarrassed.... "

"I know that... Actually I am not afraid of cockroaches ,but she is.....and everyone made fun of her for that.....
so to avoid her embarrassment I acted like I am afraid of them more than her....."

So he is not that childish. He too know how to take care of others. Molly was wrong, he doesn't need anyone to protect him. He only need someone who can understand him and accept him as the way he is. He is happy with small things and sad because of small things.
That makes him Lin.

"oi why are you smiling like that when I talking about Molly?
eww it looks weird..... don't tell me you have a crush on my friend "

I was smiling?

"What would you do if I have ?"

"you can't.... "

"Why ? Am I not worthy of someone's love?"

"you can't like her because...... "

"because? "

"because you are my fake boyfriend and friends don't share boyfriends "

He really said that.... God his face looks so funny. I am sure he is saying this not because of Molly but for himself.
Little Linnie your face can't really hide anything.

"ok ok, and for your information I don't like your best friend "

"good "

Oh what an ultra bright smile.But why is he coming towards me? don't tell me that he is going to.....

"Leo is the best "

"hey Can you please leave my cheeks..... If you keep doing that... It won't regain its original shape.... "

I know it. I already guessed it when he advanced towards me. These 2 friends are really obsessed with my cheeks.

"I am sorry "

But... What will I do now..... I really want to call Molly.....

"again you are not listening to me.... "

"oh sorry, I was thinking about something....... Mmmm Lin...what about you going to freshen up?, after that we can have our dinner "

"okie... But I don't have extra clothes with me "

It is working....

"don't worry about that, you can Wear mine"

15 minutes later........

Why didn't she pick my call.....
Molly you evil girl......
Oh yesss she picked up

"what were you doing there?
I called you 5 times already.....are you kidnapped?..... Oh God... are you already dead?..... am I talking to a dead body?"

" Wow its have been only less than 24 hours but you are already talking like Lin "

"leave it.... First send me the number i asked you"

"ok ok.... Call me when everything is over. "

"ok. I will call you back"

Now I have to call Mr John......

*calling *

"Hello sir......................................

"what .... Lin is with you?........ Send me your address I will be there in 30 minutes "


"Lin..... Wait till I reach there.... I will smack your head really hard.....You troublemaker "


Suddenly I am Feeling lonely..... So I thought about updating today......

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