The Truth

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Olli's POV ~

The inkling had me pinned down to the soggy concrete floor. The damp floor slightly stung my skin as we cephalopods are weak against water. Although the pain in my skin was nothing compared to the awful cry of the robot to Callie and Marie. he had found them and he knew we had them. And he was going to kill us at any moment.

Or so I thought. 

The blue and black robot stood frozen, a single oil tear flowed down his visor. The bot who had me surrendered released and i walked over to him. He dropped his gun and I patted his back as he fell to his knees and cupped his face in his hands.

"I was so close...they were here I...I knew it...but...lost them again..." he whimpered quietly.

"It's okay, Y/N. We're gonna get them back! They couldn't have gone far. We'll just have to keep going." The inkling tried her best to soothe the aching robot. The robot then shot a menacing look towards my direction and it's chest opened up to reveal a heart-shaped cannon charging up.

"You better get the hell out of here if you ever want to see the light of day again" he said, pointing his chest cannon at my direction.

Without any hesitation, I scrambled to my feet, snatched my bag of metal parts and Beelined it out of the training facility. I was never going to hear the end of this from Oscar.

Marie's POV ~

"I'm sorry Oscar! I swear we don't know who that is! It just came was so..natural...we just saw that robot and..." I tried to explain to the raging octoling, but he clearly wasn't listening. This was the second time Callie and I had angered him. Today.

"Today was doomed from the start. First Marie and the posters at the café. Then the whole Roller incident with Callie. And now the one robot we were trying to keep you two away from shows up" he said, arms folded and a stone cold expression.

We walked in silence. Callie fiddled with her fingers behind her back. The sound of oscar's neo octoling boot heels clinked against the tunnel paths.

Thankfully this awful silence was broken by olli's backpack of junk clanking around and him huffing in pain.

"I'" the boy said, gasping for breath as he finally caught up.

Oscar just glared at him.

"If you were any later I would have left you behind. Don't let that happen again" he said, and turned back around, heading towards the train to go back home. It was almost night due to all of these shenanigans.

"Oscar. I'm sorry about everything that happened today! Please forgive me. I just...I want to know the truth..." I asked him..hoping he could turn to his soft and happy self again.

"The truth? The truth about what? What could you possibly want to know about?" He said, almost shouting.

"Nobody ever tells me anything! You didn't tell me why I can't take these glasses off! You didn't tell me why I can't use a roller, nor can you tell me about that girl in there! I just want to know what you guys are hiding from me!" I said. I felt myself start to cry. I tried to hold them in. I probably looked like a pathetic little baby.

"Just..shut up. Stop running your mouth and maybe listen to me. I am your assigned bodyguard. I haven't even had you for 24 hours yet and you're already causing more problems than I know what to do with. Just shut up" he said. And stormed ahead of me and olli. I cried some more tears. I felt olli try to wipe them off.

"Forget it olli. I'm fine" I say, and head towards the subway.

The ride home was awkward. I sat across from Callie who sat in between Olli, who was fidgeting with little screws on his contraption, and Oscar, who had his chin in his hand and staring out the window, brows furrowed.

I just want to know the truth. Why are Callie and I even here. How did we end up here. Why was that robot so familiar?

Why do I feel like I miss it?

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