Callie, Marie, You both on in 5

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Callie's POV ~

Tonight's the night. We will finally be destroying the inkling race once and for all. Not to mention all the Zapfish energy we will have. We could do soo many things and have such a powerful army. We could even finally fix this place up a bit. I mean come on! This is embarrassing! We're literally the trashiest place on the face of the planet.

I walked over to the window and peered out at the waterfalls in the distance.

Well, maybe we're not that bad. It was a nice view, we can all admit. It's a shame that such a beautiful and powerful source such as water is so destructive and harmful to us cephalopods.

Imagine all the water energy we could use. If we were not killed by water, we could simply use that instead of a resource that's rarer. One that everyone could share instead of us different species fighting over it until we are at the brink of extinction.

But alas, water ruins ink, and causes it to simply leak out and fade away, much like when we touch it we die.

I walked away from the window and over to the vanity that was provided for me in the suite Octavio allowed me and Marie to use for the day, just to prepare for tonight's performance.

I applied some faint foundation and blush, being careful not to knock my glasses off. Once Marie and I were satisfied, I peered over at the clock. It read 6:09 pm. A little less than two hours remained until the fight.

My stomach did a nervous flop. This was what we've been preparing for for the last 60-ish days. It's really not much I have to do, but I still want team octopus to win. We are the superior species, and we are going to prove it to them.

I decided it wasn't smart of me to sit around and worry. We should rehearse instead. So we did. Marie and I stood up and moved to the center of the room. I hit a note, and begun dancing our choreography, and singing along.

Me and Marie rehearsed for a while because the clock had read 7:02 pm. I decided it was time to find Octavio. It was less than an hour away.

I tightened my bow, Marie straightened her glasses, and brushed off my clothes, and sashayed out the door.

I knew the way to the battle course, so I just decided to super jump there and save time. To my relief, Octavio was already there.

"Ah, Callie! Marie! Splendid! You're both here!" He cried excitedly. For the first time in a long time, I saw him in his octopus form. This time, he sported a new hat, and sunglasses, instead of his usual crown. "Tried to freshen things up a bit, how's it look"

"It's perfect, very intimidating Octavio" Marie said, even though she honestly didn't even mean it.

"We have about a half hour until showtime, I'm going to head under. You remember what to do right? You remember your lines? Your choreography?"

"Yes, we're ready to fight" I said, and with an encouraging nod, he swam under the ink and into the robot.

I walked up to my podium. I sat down and waited impatiently. I just wanted this to be over with already.

Some time passed, because an Octoling with a headset and clipboard approached the bot and called up to Marie and I,

"Callie, Marie, you're on in 5. The Inkling will be here any minute" she said, and super jumped away. I watched as hundreds of octolings poured into the stadium looking for seats. I'm the distance I caught a glimpse of Turquoise October. I waved at them, and they (and a bunch of other octotroopers who thought I was waving to them,) waved back.

I smiled faintly and turned around and Marie and I crossed our arms. It's showtime.

Y/N's POV ~

I made sure my shoulder-mounted lasers were loaded and fully operational, and they were, They were loaded with Marie's Low Tide Ink. Olli has been a help after i freed him from Octavio. He left about an hour ago to head to the stadium. Iris was out at the final kettle retrieving the last Zapfish.

I made a call to Sheldon. I told him the plan and exactly what we needed to do.

I held Callie's and Marie's dresses in my hands. Something I hadn't seen in ages. It looked pretty tight and probably didn't fit them, but I didn't mind at this point. As I sat I heard Iris's footsteps, and quickly wrapped myself in Marie's kimono. She couldn't know what the plan was.

"Well, here it is. The last one."

"Y-Yeah..." I said nervously. "Go on ahead to the final boss kettle. I... I'll be along"

"Right." She said, gripping the hero shot tightly in her hand. She smiled bravely and finally super jumped to the kettle.

"I'll be right along" I repeated.

I couldn't believe I have to do this.

I literally had to shoot my own sisters.

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