The Past

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He turned for the what was probably the fifth time that night, he kept tossing his covers to the side before deciding that he preferred having them on, but in the end he couldn't settle on what exactly he wanted.

At least forcing his brain to figure out on the best position to place his leg or on wether his room felt chilly or stuffy occupied his mind so that he did not have the time to think about the myriad of things that upset him.

Unfortunately, like it always did, morning came, and  he couldn't find an excuse to keep laying in bed.

He shuffled to the side slightly, taking a deep breath before reaching for his phone,
Obviously, today, just like yesterday and the day before, his lock screen was almost completely covered by missed call notifications.

He bit his lip, frowning, it wasn't the angry sort of frown people usually saw others display when they were frustrated or annoyed. Accompanied by the slight glaze on his eyes, it painted an incredibly pitiful image.

He hadn't talked to his parents ever since his fight with them a few weeks ago, and he felt terrible ignoring their calls, he knew he was disappointing them more and more everyday, and the thought would continue to eat him up from the inside, day after day, but ever since his little sister's passing, he kept finding it hard to muster up the energy to fix anything about his life.

He put his phone down before, tightly pressing his palms over his eyes, as if he managed pressed hard enough, he'd be able to dispell the all encompassing hopelessness he felt, towards the world and specially towards himself.

He abruptly rolled to his back, staring up at the ceiling.

"I can't keep doing this."  He muttered, voice cracking.

He frowned once again, face scrunching up, he doesn't know if his voice had cracked this terribly because he hadn't spoken for weeks or because he had been slacking off when it came to taking care of his basic needs, such as drinking water.

Thinking about it, it was probably a combination of both things.

He pushed himself out of bed with great difficulty, not bothering to put on his shoes. Tiptoeing his way towards the bathroom, he made a deliberate effort to not stare at the mirror.

The young man picked up his toothbrush, brushed his teeth, and washed his face roughly with some cold water, he had to suppress a shiver, he hated coming into contact with water, but still, cold  water was always sure to be even worse.

Carelessly shuffling around his house to avoid a pile of open boxes and clothes haphazardly strewn on the floor, the man made it to the kitchen, the place was about as organized at the rest of the house; in the sense that there was no organization going on at all. There was a pile of dirty cups and a few plates in the sink that he couldn't bring himself to wash, and more than a few cupboards had been left open for who knows how long.

The young man however, payed the mess no mind, heading straight for the refrigerator.
Even though he was not hungry, he had already skipped on breakfast and lunch yesterday, so today he absolutely had to eat, even if he had no apetite at all.

As life would have it though, things would not come to him so easily, and the refrigerator was as empty as empty can be.

"Goddamn it!" He cursed as he slammed the door shut.
His hands tightened into fists, he wished he could just curl up on the floor and rub his eyes until his vision was full of black splotches, but at the same time, he wanted to beat himself up for it, what kind of loser loses their temper at such a thing?

He had been holding it in since he woke up, but his resolve was merely a cracked glass at the verge of shattering, a single small blow was enough to fracture it completely. He could not help himself anymore, and the tears he was trying so hard to keep from flowing  came pouring out of his eyes like they never planned on stopping.

The lonely man sobbed and cursed angrily in the middle of a messy, dark kitchen for an unknown amount of time.


Despite the feeling of relief that washed over him after he'd cried and cursed his heart out, he knew that sobbing like a baby wouldn't solve any of his problems, so he  started to breathe deeply in an attempt to calm himself down as he rose from his spot on the kitchen floor and willed himself to walk back to his room. After he threw on whatever clothes he could find, he found himself once again standing at his house's entrance, staring at the door handle as if it was a ferocious enemy.

'Maybe it's time I go back to being a good son.'  He breathes, before pulling the door open.


(You can skip this! The message ended up quite long lol.)

Hello! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
After debating for months wether or not I should finally start writing this silly little story of mine, I decided:
"Fuck it! If no one reads it I can always just, delete it and forget all about this embarrassing attempt!"
So that's how this chapter was born, well around 800 words of story disregarding this little note.
Anyways, as I've said in the summary, this is my first time trying something as ambitious as posting a story I've written myself for the internet to see.
If you feel that a sentence sounds broken, nonsensical, awkward, or simply if you think it'd sound better written in another way, PLEASE  let me know, I really do want to write a story that people would like to read!
And if you decided to give this chapter a read, regardless of whether or not you plan on continuing to read this story, thank you so much! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
I appreciate it more than you probably think!
Anyways, I'll stop for now since this note is almost turning into a story of itself, bye bye~

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