Chapter 3: Playing with Fire

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'This one has 60 rings, and two pairs of legs on each,' Helaena said, examining the creature. 'That's 240.' 

'Yes, it is,' Alicent replied, sitting next to her daughter, staring uninterestingly at the worm that Helaena was holding. 

'It has eyes, but... I don't believe it can see.' 

'And why is that so, do you think?' Alicent asked. 

'It is beyond our understanding.' 

'I suppose you're right,' Alicent replied, reaching out to touch her daughter's arm, to which she moved away from the unwanted contact. 'Some things just are.' 

'Your Grace,' someone said. Alicent turned, seeing Prince Aemond, her youngest son, in the grip of one of the members of the Kingsguard. 

'Aemond,' Alicent said, tearing herself away from Helaena and coming to Aemond. 'What have you done?' 

'He did it again,' Helaena said softly. 

'After how many times you've been warned, must I have you confined to your chambers?' Alicent exclaimed angrily. 

'They made me do it!' 

'As if you needed encouragement. Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding!' 

'They gave me a pig!' Aemond cried out, his eyes welling with tears. Alicent stalled. 

'A what?' she asked quietly. 

'They said they found a dragon for me. But it was a pig.' 

'You will have a dragon one day,' Alicent said, grasping her son's shoulders. 'I know it.' 

'They all laughed.' 

Yet none heard the quiet prophecy that Helaena Targaryen muttered under her breath, holding a small creature in her hands. 

'The last ring has no legs at all. He'll have to close an eye.' 

Several hours later... 

Alicent and Viserys sat in one of the rooms in the castle, in front of Viserys' model of Old Valyria, while Viserys' ward, Eddard, sat in the corner, working on one of the model dragons. 

'They made wings for it, apparently, and a tail,' Alicent said to Viserys. 

'The lad shouldn't have been so credulous.' 

'He's a child.' 

'He thought they'd happened upon some wild, unnamed dragon and lured it to the Dragonpit?' 

'Your grandsons are a menace.' 

'They're more children than he is,' Viserys replied. 

'Th-they're savages. And it's not surprising.' 

'Are you sure it wasn't our Aegon that put them up to it?' 

'It's a wonder their eggs ever hatched,' Alicent replied bitterly. 

'And why is that?' 

'You know why.' 

'I'm afraid I don't.' 

'Don't!' Alicent snapped. 'Viserys,' she added, dropping her voice once more. The room fell silent. Viserys looked on his ward, Eddard. 

'We shall continue this afternoon, Eddard.' The young man quietly left, shutting the doors of the room behind him. Alicent walked closer to her husband. 

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