Chapter 13: You Flee What Others Die Seeking

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Arryk and his twin brother, Erryk, entered a large hall. They walked around the round table full of candles. Suddenly one of the brothers stopped. They weren't alone. A coughing fit sounded from somewhere. 

'Listen,' one of the brothers said. The person coughed louder. The two knelt down and looked under the round table, and reached in, pulling out someone with scraggly blond hair who honestly looked like he'd seen better days. 

'No... no!' Aegon shouted, fighting against the men. 'No!' he screamed. He turned to one of the brothers. 'Where is the White Worm?' 

'She sold you for a price,' the other brother replied. 

'And why have you paid it?' Aegon grunted, still struggling. 'I want my mother.' 

'Your grandfather, the Hand, will meet you outside the city walls.' Aegon growled and wrestled his way out of the grips of the brothers, running from them. One of the brothers tackled Aegon to the ground, pinning him to the floor by way of his knee in his chest. 

'You flee what other men die seeking, Aegon,' he said. 

The two brothers dragged Aegon out of the building. Aemond, still wearing his cloak, appeared from behind a wall, as did Criston, who stood in front of one of the brothers, who was restraining Aegon. 

'I do regret this, friend,' Criston said, pointing his sword at the man. He smirked but was soon launched into action as Aegon broke away from his captor and ran, Aemond giving chase to his older brother. Criston and the brother that had been holding Aegon hostage fought with their blades. Aemond tackled his brother, sending him to the ground, and wrestled with him, attempting to pin him. 

'I was hoping you disappeared,' Aemond spoke, struggling to restrain his brother. 

'Is our father truly dead?' 

'Yes - and they're going to make you king.' Aegon spat in Aemond's good eye, and he reeled back, giving Aegon time to run. 'No!' Aemond shouted. 

'Are you going to help me?!' Aegon cried out as the brothers continued to tussle. Aemond grabbed his brother, holding him to his chest, keeping him pinned as he continued to squirm. Criston had his enemy by the upper hand, and knocked his sword clean out of his hand. 

'Where's your brother?' Criston taunted, picking up his enemy's sword.

'Let me go!' Aegon screamed, beginning to sob. 'I have no wish to rule! No taste for duty. I'm not suited.' 

'You'll get no argument from me,' Aemond said, still restraining his brother. Aegon spun in his brother's arms and grabbed his face with his hands. 

'Let me go. I'll find a ship and sail away, never to be found.' Aemond was quiet. Suddenly, Criston's hand clasped Aegon's shoulder. 

'The Queen awaits,' he said with a smirk. Aegon's face fell, and Criston led him away, leaving Aemond to think. A seed had been planted in his mind. He and Eleana could rule the Iron Throne. He imagined her as Queen for a moment. The beauty - the power. He shook the thoughts from his mind, took a breath, and followed after the prince and Ser Criston. 

That evening... 

Aemond sat by the fire once again, deep in thought. He looked up only when the patter of bare feet stopped in front of him. 

'Aemond,' I said. His good eye met mine. 

'Eleana,' he spoke softly. I moved around to face him, and climbed into his lap, giving him a kiss. 

'What are you thinking about?' 

'Something Aegon said,' he replied. 

'He doesn't want the throne, does he?' I pressed another soft kiss to his jaw, and he let out a soft groan, his hand reaching down to touch my bare leg where my nightdress had ridden up, stroking it ever so gently. 

'No, he doesn't. He alluded to the fact that - that I could sit the throne. That we could sit the throne... together.' 

'Aemond... we're not next in line. I'm a bastard of Rhaenyra's. The people would never accept us.' 

'They would, Eleana. We're married. Under a solemn covenant overseen by the Seven. If we had heirs - they could usurp Aegon's children.' 

'You're suggesting we take the throne somehow?' 

'Not now, my love. Not now,' he said, grabbing my chin gently and kissing me with all the passion he could muster. 'We wait. We bide our time. When the opportunity presents itself - then we will sit the throne. Together. You and I have two of the oldest dragons in the world, besides the dragon Vermithor. We will sit the Iron Throne together as one. Us - and our future children.' I kissed him again, the two of us leaning our foreheads against each other, sharing soft kisses with small giggles. I eventually curled up on his lap, against his chest, letting his steady heartbeat lull me to sleep. 

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