Chapter 14: Aegon's Coronation

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Dawn ascended upon the streets of King's Landing. As people shouted, and knights herded the people towards the sept in order to witness Prince Aegon's coronation, the royal carriage headed towards the same site. In the carriage sat Alicent on one side, with Prince Aegon on the other. He was dressed in more royal clothing than usual, staring out the window, sulking. 

'Have the decency to look grateful,' Alicent scolded him. 'Do you know what has been done to give you this day? In an hour, you will be king.' 

'And my father never wanted this,' he spoke, turning slightly to look at his mother. 

'That's not true.' 

'He had 20 years to name me heir and never did. Steadfastly, he upheld Rhaenyra's claim.' 

'He changed his mind.' 

'Oh. No. He could have, but he never did because he didn't like me.'

'And yet, with his final breath, he whispered to me that you should take his place on the throne.' Aegon laughed, then his face turned serious again as Alicent uncovered a small, rectangular box with the signature dagger that Viserys had always carried on his person. 

'Do not toy with me, Mother.' 

'I speak the truth.' He scoffed, turning away from her again. 'Listen to me, Aegon. Your grandfather, the Hand, will try to impress upon you that Rhaenyra should be put to the sword. You must reject this counsel. We must not rule with cruelty and callousness. For all her faults, she is your sister, your father's daughter, and her daughter, your own niece, has married your brother Aemond -' 

'Do you love me?' Aegon interrupted her. Now it was her turn to scoff. 

'You imbecile,' she spoke. 

The people gathered in front of the sept, where they were going to coronate Aegon as king. Alicent stood in her resplendent green gown, with a large seven-pointed star emblazoned upon her breast. Otto, her father and the Hand of the King, stood near her, ready to make his proclamation of Aegon's coronation. Criston Cole, the newly appointed Commander of the Kingsguard, stood behind Alicent, dressed in his silver armour and white cloak. Near them were first Princess Helaena, wearing a baby blue gown and her hair up in a braided bun, then Prince Aemond, wearing colours of green and black, and then his wife, Princess Eleana Targaryen, wearing similar colours, her dark hair down in ringlets. 

'People of King's Landing!' Otto exclaimed, and the crowd hushed to silence. 'Today is the saddest of days. Our beloved King, Viserys the Peaceful, is dead.' The crowd murmured lowly. 'But it is also the most joyous of days. For as his spirit left us, he whispered his final wish that his firstborn son, Aegon, should succeed him.' The crowd began to applaud, and then the City Watch came into the room, clearing a path among the people. They unsheathed their swords, creating an arch of blades, and trumpeters played triumphant music. All was quiet as the crowd witnessed Aegon walk through the arch of blades slowly, meditatively towards where his family was waiting to crown him king. 'It is your great, good fortune and your privilege to be here to witness this!' Otto exclaimed. 'A new day for our city. A new day for our realm. A new King to lead us.' 

Aegon walked up the steps, meeting his mother and grandfather at the top of the steps. Alicent stepped forward, kissing her son on the forehead, and stepping back as a septon (priest) came forward to bless the young prince. Aegon knelt as the septon reached for anointing oil.

'May the Warrior grant him courage,' the septon proclaimed, and with each announcement of each of the gods of the Seven, made a stroke across Aegon's forehead with the anointing oil. 'May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and guide his way to wisdom.' Then the septon turned, giving Criston Cole the crown of his namesake, the Conqueror. Criston turned to Aegon, placing the crown upon his brow, proclaiming, 

'The crown of the Conqueror, passed down through generations.' He stepped back. 'Let the Seven bear witness! Aegon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne!' Larys Strong smirked, staring upon the young king, as did Aemond, but Aemond's look was of a darker intent. Jealousy that he had no interest in his birth right and was still getting everything Aemond had ever wanted. My hand slipped down to lace my fingers with his, and he tore his eyes away from his brother to look at me. 

'One day, my love,' I whispered. 'One day you'll have everything.' The septon took Aegon's hand, and he stood, looking around. The septon bowed slightly, then he turned to Otto, who followed suit, as did Alicent and Criston. Then his gaze slid over to Helaena, and she did the same, followed by a slight nod from Aemond and a small bow from me. Aegon slowly began to turn to the people as the septon proclaimed, 

'All hail King Aegon, second of his name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm!' There was silence as the bells tolled. 

'Aegon the King!' Criston exclaimed, and the crowd began applauding and cheering. Aegon drew the sword of his namesake, Blackfyre, from its sheath, and thrust it up in the air three times, eliciting cheers from the people. A small smile grew on his face as the people cheered, spreading his arms wide. Just then, there was a loud roar, and the wall that the doors were attached to crumbled to the ground, killing several hundred of the people of King's Landing. People screamed, running away from the terror of the dragon that had attacked the room. Alicent stepped back in terror, grabbing onto Ser Criston's arm, and I did the same with Aemond, as did Helaena, both grabbing onto him for support. The dragon was orange/crimson in colouring, and upon its back was Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the cousin of the late King Viserys. The dragon in question was Meleys, Rhaenys' mount. 

'Open the doors! Open the doors!' Otto cried out, but his words were not heeded. Still, several clamoured out the gates and past the gold cloaks of the City Watch and fled for the safety of the streets of King's Landing. Alicent moved away from Criston and spoke to him hurriedly, 

'Get Heleana and Eleana.' Criston moved to do her bidding, and Alicent went to stand with her son in front of Meleys and her rider Rhaenys. Alicent closed her eyes and bowed her head, Aegon lowering his head as well as the dragon roared mightily. The dragon suddenly stopped her roar, and Alicent looked up at the Princess Rhaenys. Rhaenys turned the beast around, and flew out of the gates, startling the citizens of King's Landing, and taking to the skies. 

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