Chapter 18: War's First Stroke

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Prince Daemon walked through a series of tunnels, holding nothing but a torch, singing in High Valyrian. He walked slowly up a series of stairs, continuing to sing. Once he got to the platform, he slowly knelt, lowering the torch to the ground. A monstrous form emerged in front of him, and then the dragon in front of him roared, spraying fire around the ceiling of the cave he was in.

He stood, continuing to sing softly, beholding the eyes of the mighty dragon Vermithor. 

At Storm's End... 

The sky was thick and dark with rainclouds as Luke made his way to Storm's End on his dragon Arrax. The dragon landed in the courtyard rather unsteadily. The knights at the door made no move to intercept him, and Luke got off of his dragon, beginning to walk to the door. He turned, hearing a roar, and noticing the monstrous dragon Vhagar outside of the city walls, and then looked to see another smaller dragon also inside the city walls. He remembered the dragon's name. Silverwing, he thought to himself. He turned, still looking in terror at the massive creature, and turned just in time to see the knights step towards him. He breathed and drew himself up to his full height in an attempt to feel braver. 

'I am Prince Lucerys Velaryon. I bring a message to Lord Borros from the Queen.' The guards stepped aside to let him in. 

He walked into the great hall. 

'Prince Lucerys Velaryon,' one of the knights announced. 'Son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.' Luke looked to his right and saw two familiar figures turn and look at him. Prince Aemond - and beside him was Luke and Jace's sister - Aemond's wife... Princess Elaena. She gave a short nod but said nothing from where she was standing next to her husband. He tore his eyes away from the two of them, turning to Lord Borros Baratheon. 

'Lord Borros, I brought you a message from my mother... the Queen.' 

'Yet, earlier this day, I received two envoys from the King,' Lord Borros replied sharply. 'Which is it? King, or Queen?' He laughed shortly. 'The House of the Dragon does not seem to know who rules it.' Luke gave a side-eye to the two of us. 'What's your mother's message?' One of the knights brought him the scroll. He looked around, then at the scroll as if it was some foul thing to be disregarded. 'Where's the bloody maester?' The maester walked up the steps slowly, and the lord handed him the scroll. He read it, and then bowed down to the lord and whispered in his ear. 

' "Remind" me of my father's oath?' Borros snapped. 'King Aegon at least came with an offer - my swords and banners for a marriage pact. If I do as your mother bids - which one of my daughters, will you wed... boy?' 

'My lord, I am not free to marry. I am already betrothed,' Luke replied. 

'So you come with empty hands. Go home, pup. And tell your mother that the Lord of Storm's End is not some dog that she can whistle up at need to set against her foes.'

'I shall take your answer to the Queen, my lord,' he said, looking over at Aemond and Elaena momentarily, then turning around and walking away. 

'Wait... my Lord Strong,' Aemond called out. He turned, walking towards his uncle and sister. 'Did you really think you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost?' 

'I will not fight you,' Luke said. 'I came as a messenger, not a warrior.'

'A fight would be little challenge,' Aemond spoke. 'No. I want you to put out your eye.' He removed his eyepatch, displaying the deep blue gem he had placed inside it. 'As payment for mine. One will serve.' He took out a dagger and threw it across the ground. Luke looked at the weapon and then up at Aemond again. 'I would not blind you. Plan to make a gift of it to my mother.' 

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