Chapter 11: Wedded in Secret

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Eleana's POV

Aemond and I entered the main hall, where the Iron Throne was, and at the foot of the Iron Throne stood Alicent, Otto and the head maester. I felt Aemond's arm wrap protectively around my waist as we approached them. Alicent came and shockingly, I felt her wrap her arms around my body. I broke down in tears for the second time that evening as she stroked my hair and shushed me, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

'You're safe now, sweet child.' She looked up at her son. 'Thank you, Aemond, for bringing her here.' He nodded but said nothing. She looked back at me. 'I've had the head maester annul the betrothal between yourself and Tyland Lannister. In place of that, to still ensure the strength of House Targaryen, myself and the Hand of the King have both decided that we should wed the two of you. Tonight.' I swallowed the lump in my throat, Aemond and I looking at each other, the nervousness flickering in his one eye. His hand slid down my waist, and he interlaced his fingers with mine gently. 'Wedding the two of you will ensure that our house still has a strong family line, and if anything should happen to Aegon and his heirs, yours and Aemond's children will be next in line for the throne. Binding relatives in marriage has been done many times throughout our history, and it shall be done again.'

'Does my mother know?' I asked. 'And Daemon?' Alicent gave a short nod in affirmation.

'They do know. As do your brothers. They should be arriving shortly to witness the marriage between the two of you. We will have a proper wedding ceremony in time.' The doors opened, and Aemond and I turned to see Daemon, my mother Rhaenyra, and my three brothers. Both the boys disengaged from Daemon and our mother, and they came to me, giving me a strong hug.

'Are you alright?' Lucerys asked softly.

'Yes, Luke. I'm alright.' The boys looked at Aemond, then at each other, but said nothing. My mother came forward next and wrapped her arms around me tenderly, much like Alicent had done.

'I'm so sorry, my sweet girl.' She kissed me on the temple lovingly, smoothing my hair down. 'I'm so sorry.' I smiled up at her.

'Don't be, Mother. I'm fine now. Aemond will keep me safe.' I looked up at him. Rhaenyra moved away from me, and Daemon embraced me with a father's touch, kissing my head softly, then looked at Aemond. 

'Take care of her,' he said. Aemond gave a short nod but said nothing. We then turned to Alicent, Otto and the head maester as Rhaenyra, Daemon and my brothers stepped away. The maester began speaking in High Valyrian, and we followed the marriage rites meditatively. Then, we were pronounced married, and we were left with the final task: to kiss as husband and wife. My heart stilled at the thought, and for a moment, I almost froze, but Aemond was gentle. He lifted his hand softly, stroking my cheek, then cradling my face. My lips met his tenderly, and we soon broke apart, me trying to regain my composure from that breath-taking kiss. The world was quiet for a moment, and he pulled me into him with a small kiss on my dark hair. It didn't quite feel as elating as it should have been. I felt suddenly very tired, and Aemond must have noticed, because he tilted my chin up to meet his eyes. 

'Do you want to go?' he asked. I nodded, feeling quite drowsy. He swept me up in his arms, and the two of us departed together from the room as I fell asleep on his shoulder. 

I awoke the next morning with a small breeze billowing through the curtains. I looked around, noticing I wasn't in my quarters. One of the wardrobes was open, and I spied some of my dresses in there, waiting to be used. I looked, seeing I was wearing the same clothes from last night. The bedcovers beside me were rumpled, and it wasn't until I investigated my surroundings a little more that I realised that this was definitely not my quarters, and I saw the long, gleaming sword in its scabbard leaning against the wall. And the green. There was green everywhere in the room, not the familiar red and black. I threw back the covers, climbing out of the bed and padding over on bare feet to the sword sitting in the corner. I picked up the blade, removing it from its scabbard and holding it ever so delicately. 

'I could teach you how to use that, you know,' I heard a voice say. I spun around, holding the blade up in defence. Aemond chuckled, putting his hands up in surrender. I lowered the blade. 

'Sorry - I'm just a bit jumpy, I think,' I said. 'I'll... put it back now.' I put it back and placed the sword where it was when I found it. 'Where were you?' I asked. 

'I was helping feed our dragons.' The way he said "our"... it brought butterflies to my stomach. 'I forgot - yours is Silverwing, right? The mount of the good queen Alysanne?' I nodded. 

'Yes. It is.' He moved over to the corner of the room, towards the wardrobe, and pulled out a small box, coming over to me with it. 

'A gift - for you.' He handed it to me, and I tentatively opened it. Inside was a delicate necklace, of emeralds and rubies paired together, with a large green teardrop stone in the very centre that hung down beautifully between the small emeralds and rubies. 'May I?' he asked. I turned, and he placed the necklace on me, sweeping my hair to the side. I now noticed we were standing in front of a mirror. He kissed my cheek tenderly. 'I want my wife to look like the captivating princess she is,' he said in a gravelly tone. 

'Is that what we are now?' I asked. 'Will I have to bear you children?' 

'Not right away. Not unless that's what you want.' He trailed his hand down to mine, then brought it up to his lips and kissed it. 'If you don't want to be bedded now; I'll happily wait. I'll wait forever if that's what you wish.' 

'I don't intend to wait forever, Aemond.' 

'Even so, my love.' He swept my hair back and kissed my cheek again. 'I'll wait as long as you need.' 

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