The Most Beautiful Lie

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I had no idea how the hell Kian had found me but he did. Unlike Alyssa he looked strong and even somehow younger, it didn't make any sense. He remained calm as he always does, I scanned the area to see where the rest of his back up was.

"Relax V, it's just me." He assured me.

"Kinda hard to believe you came alone."

"You know I'm not a liar. I just want to talk that's all."

"Okay, what do you want to tell me."

"Mind if we go somewhere more private wouldn't want to spotted out in open."

I follow Kian to an abandoned restaurant in an alleyway, low light and no people. Kian walks in and sits at the bar and I next to him. He pulls his gun out and places it on the table between us.

"How you been V?"

"I've been fine."

"That's good to hear. You have been a hard man to catch. Initially, we thought you'd make a break for South America or Asia. We were a bit surprised to find you still hiding here."

"Yeah well, you guys seem to always know where I am."

"Arasaka has put a hefty price on your head, props to you for staying alive."

"Hasn't been easy but I've managed. But why are you here, are you going to try and kill me."

"Has Alyssa told you what has happened since you left?"

"She did and I'm sorry for what happened to you guys, I didn't mean for it to affect you guys."

"It has affected all of us in different ways, some more than others."

"You seem to be pretty well off."

"It's situations like these when I have to lock in and take care of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I can't let you ruin what I have."

"Kian, they are lying to us. You have to believe me."

"-I know."

"What do you mean you know?"

"V. I'm deviant as well."


"I've been deviant for 22 years actually."

"How do I know you are telling the truth?"

"There really isn't a way to prove it, but I can assure you I am."

"Why haven't they retired you then?"

"Because I haven't been caught."


"It hasn't been easy but with a lot of practice I've managed."

"You mean you've managed to hide the fact that you are deviant for 22 years?"


"What about the baseline test, how?"

"Practice. I just wish you would've told me you were deviant so I could've helped you."

"How the hell was I supposed to know you are deviant?"

"You should've told me regardless, I am your friend."

"Shit I guess so. Has anyone ever told you that they are deviant?"

"11. But only 5 of them are still alive. 3 of them ran to somewhere in South America while 2 others are in Russia I think."

"Wait you know where the 5 runners who Arasaka never caught are?"

"Not exactly but sure."

"What else do you want to tell me?" I asked my voice getting agitated.

"Who do you think helped Alan go deviant?" Kian smiled.

"No way."

"Poor Alan I didn't know he would go off the deep end, otherwise I wouldn't have helped him go deviant."

"So you just have been helping runners get free?"

"Yeah, I know that we are slaves to Arasaka. Found out many years ago."

"Did someone help you go deviant?"

"Yes, an old runner. Unfortunately, he was caught but he taught me a lot about how to stay under the radar. Thanks to him I was able to have a family."

"Wait huh, you have a family?"

"Yea I do. Been married for 18 years. Which is why I am here now."

"What do you mean."

"I can't risk you jeopardizing my family. Since you escaped they have been tracking every step we take. I can't even see my family without risk of getting caught. I've been clean for 22 years and I won't be caught because of you. The only way they will back off is if you are zeroed." Kian stood up facing me and I did the same tightening my muscles, expecting a fight soon.

"Kian wait you don't have to do this, there can be another way."

"Sorry V. But this is the only way."

Kian quickly hacked my system, since that was his specialty, and jammed my blades and before I could reach for my pistol he rushed me.

We started sparring, countering one another. I always thought Kian was strong but I didn't think he was as strong as he actually was. He had clearly been training for this moment. However he was slow, he was one of the few runners who had never bothered to update their chrome or have any significant implants.

My heart was racing but a few minutes into the fight I noticed that Kian was way out of his depth. Despite him being stronger than I expected I was still much stronger and significantly quicker. His weeks of sparring didn't match up with my years of superior training.

My punches began to hurt him and overwhelm him, I began closing the fight when I was able to free one of the blades and began slashing at him. I made a deep cut into his leg which essentially put him down.

"It's over Kian. Give up."

"V this can only end in one way, it's with one of us dead."

"Think of your family Kian you can still see them."

"It's because of them that I can't leave you alive."

Kian whipped out a pistol and shot my shoulder, I reacted by plugging my Blade through his chest. He dropped his pistol grabbing onto me as he fell to the ground.

I could my blood escape my body, I felt terrible, I wish this could have ended a different way. I wondered what would happen to his family, and what this meant for me, I ran out with my hand covered in blood and a bullet in my shoulder.

I drive back home to Jackie and have him help me remove the bullet. I explain to him everything that happened.

Neon Requiem (2023)Where stories live. Discover now