start of the new school

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Killua POV:

"hey, mother, mind if I ask again why do I have to be transferred here? " I asked crossing my arm, she sighed "you almost killed a student killua.. " she said, not my fault tho.
I looked at a window and damn this school kinda big, tho people there seems to be annoying I could have just walked my way to school, I'm getting car sick, "dear killua,we have arrived now, please don't try to kill another student, " mother said, I rolled my eyes and shut the car door, I stepped into the gates and all eyes we're on me, I hated people staring just because I have blue yes and white hair, also handsome ofc, but it gets pretty annoying, really.. annoying..



-insert celebrity killua for a second😍😍-

I stormed inside and ran away, I sighed and followed where my class was at, it should be right.. here., and perfect the bell has rang,. I knocked three times and got on the classroom while others were staring.

"ah!, I see you have arrived. please come and introduce yourself"

th teacher said I walked quietly into the front of the class, " killua zoldyck, nice to meet you.. " I said awkwardly , "since your the new student, you can pick a seat freely!, " the teacher said, I nodded quietly and looked around, hm?, a spiked haired boy? awh. he looks sad, I smiled and walked to the seat next to him, he looks... oddly cute.. but he seems pretty down, I saw people were glaring at him like a hateful stare, maybe I should try talking to him, "hi!, I'm killua what's your name? " I asked, but he didn't answer?, a guy poked me "hey you shouldn't try to talk to him , he is a weirdo and he even doesn't have any parents? Can you believe it? " The guy said, that was kinda harsh.., I pushed the guys chair away and started to stare at the spiky haired boy, why didn't he answer my question?, I poked him and he finally noticed while flinching, he turned to me with his beautiful face..

he didn't speak, I asked again what was his name, I think he wanted to answer but couldn't, he grabbed a note book and writed gon. "Gon huh?, that's a pretty name! " I said, he looked surprised and continued writing in his notebook, I smiled.


finally that was over, gon wasn't doing anything except writing and fidgeting with his fingers (yeah killua watches gon almost every second) I didn't brought lunch because I never eat except if I feel I wanna eat,
I was hiding in the back of the school, and watched the sky slowly moves and I imagined burrying my mother's body, and I heard something, I glanced my head and looked people beating up someone, I didn't really wanted to pay attention but I looked closer and, it was gon!, I ran and pushed the people, they went flying.., I looked at gon bruised and injured badly, he looked like he was crying, I bent down, "hey are you okay? " I asked and he nodded a little, ck. he knew that he was injured badly and said that he was okay, I carried him bridal style, he was surprised but I didn't care, all I care is that he is healed,

I was heading into where the medical room where but when I wanted to enter the main door gon pulled my shirt, like he is scared, I used an invisible spell and dashed through the door, finally finding the medical room, I locked the door and put gon on a sofa, good thing there was a paper and a pen, I grabbed some things and sat beside him, he was really short, I laughed a little, "hey, why we're they hitting you? " I asked and passed the note and pen, he wrote, 'no reason. ' I frowned and quietly treated his wounds
I should have killed those guys but I can't leave gon after the first day.
after I treated his wounds and bandaged it, i handed him a glass of water to drink, maybe I should pass class today, gon pointed at the door, I think he's trying to tell me that class has already started, "it's okay I'll stay here with you" I said , his eyes sparkled and I smiled lightly.

Gon's POV :

he seems nice.. not like other people who treat me like shit., I guess I can trust him, but I can't seem to speak up ,

-lunch (2nd time) -

i got up from the room and pointed at the door, killua nodded and I slowly closed it behind me, I sighed and went to class, I hope they did nothing while I was away.., I slowly opened the door and people started glaring, I ran into my seat, trying not to make any eye contact and I noticed the table..

'your a freak'

'you don't deserve to be here'

'you look like a pig'

'we hate you all. '

'your an asshole! '

scribbled on the table..,I took out some wipes trying to erase it but it couldn't, I looked at them, and they were laughing. I'm guessing it's permanent, I hid my head on the table trying not to make any crying noises.

back to killua's POV :

I stayed in the room for quiet a while and then started heading towards the classroom, I was really bored without gon, I opened the classroom door and immediately crowded, I swear I'm gonna kick these asshole's, "cut it out already! " I yelled, I walked into my seat and looked at gon, he seems to be asleep, is there something on the table?, "hey gon can you wake up? " I said but he didn't answered, I poked him, he flinched a little and seemed scared, I looked at the table and there were words.., those little bastards.. gon noticed me staring at his table and pushed me away, "gon? What's wrong? " I asked, he never spoke in the first day.. i wonder why.





hi!, this is a new story from my old one, because I thought my old one was not good enough , I'm sorry if you guys think this is dramatic, but it is the point of the story. thank you very much for stopping by, <333

Words : 1069!!

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺~ (𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘯) Where stories live. Discover now