Cherry Blossoms blooming.

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Gon's POV :

I woke up. feeling exhausted.. what happened? did.. something bad happened to me.. I soon realized that I was in a clinic, I shot my eyes open and saw killua?.. he. payed my rent. I must be a burden to him..  "hey gon, I'll be right back with a surprise. you rest here okay? " killua said, I nodded, I waited for him to bring something.

I wonder what is it.

-6 minutes has passed and killua came to gon.

"I got you sushi!, the doctor said you haven't ate in a day, you have to eat gon. " he said handing me a bag full of food.. should I accept his offer?, should I speak?, "m.. money? " I spoke to killua in a quiet voice. he seems shocked. "yqu skwpe aqoqn! " what is killua saying.. I can't. hear a thing, he seemed to see me didn't react at all, "you spoke again gon! " he repeated and it was clear, I nodded smiling. I opened the box of sushi and it looked delicious! "Oh and don't worry about the money I payed for it. " killua said starting to open his box of sushi, this is the first time that a person cared about me..

I ate little bits of sushi, I didn't feel like eating, I closed the box up and killua looked at me while chewing his food, "are you done gon?", I shook my head , killua cleaned up for me and stood by my side, " well gon I'll be going now, take care of yourself! " killua smiled waving his hand, I waved back having a light smile, and he left. i looked at the desk next to my bed and.. there's an envelope and a card?, I grabbed the things an open the envelope.. woah! it's full of money in here!, I grabbed the card and read it.

'Hey gon! , I know you are struggling rn so I wanted to help out, please accept the money in the envelope. I'll see you at school tomorrow if u feel better . '

signed killua. he is really sweet.. I wish I could tell him how I feel about him.

-the next day-

it's still 4 am. school starts at 8 so I have time to get back home rand get ready for the day. I slowly walked out of the clinic, finally I arrived at my apartment!, I stood there. and wtf there was a door broken down. .  I'll just. fix it.

-after fixing the door that broke down (killua u said u would be in charge for this then why is it still not fixed bruh)-

all done!, I took a warm shower and wore my uniform on, okay I'm ready for school even tho it's still early, I'll manage to get past the bullies!, I walked to the door and opened it, okay the door is working fine, I locked it, "gon! " someone yelled out that made me jumped, it was killua, I smiled and hugged him, "haha, your so cute gon. " , what did he meant by that?, cute.. I'm cute? , I blushed immediately and backed off, killua always smiles. I wonder why is he so happy all the time (opposite!? 🤭) , so killua was picking me up and walked me to school, he stopped for a moment, he looks shocked?,I mean were in an empty ally.. there could be no danger here.

"gon.. can you step back for a moment?, " killua said, I looked at him curiously while backing away,

Nobody's POV :

-    gon didn't know what was happening, was it something?, it could be dangerous. or. worst. killua stood there having his hands in his pocket waiting for the person to show up. " oi Hisoka !, quit hiding and show yourself. " killua yelled out, -insert Hisoka themed music🤭-, "ahaha.Im surprised you noticed me that fast ~, " Hisoka came out holding cards,

Killua smirked lightly, "you know .. I have gotten stronger than I was last time I fought with you, Hisoka. " killua said appearing his sharp nails, 'wth when did killua get sharp nails ' gon thought looking at them, and Hisoka looked at gon, "ah.Who is this cutie, ? ~" Hisoka said walking towards gon while trying to Pat him in the head, but killua grabbed his arm, "don't you dare put your pathetic hand anywhere in gon's hair. ", they both stared, gon just stares at both of them, gon could sense that killua is raging mad, while Hisoka is calm but also wanting to rip off killua's head.. , killua and Hisoka soon vanished, gon flinched when he saw the fast movement between them.

Hisoka grabbed gon pulling him on his shoulders, gon kicked his legs trying to get out from the hold of Hisoka, " Hisoka don't you dare touch gon. Put him down! " killua yelled charging an attack, Hisoka got scratched in the face and dropped gon harshly, gon hit his head on the floor pretty bad so killua grabbed gon putting him in a bench so he could rest for awhile, gon watched killua and Hisoka fighting like cats and dogs, he also noticed that killua had sum Electricity he created to attack Hisoka, 'wow.. killua is so cool.. i never imagined he could fight', although killua could fight but the amount of strength he uses to create an electrical shoot might make him tired (in my story!) , killua was starting to feel really tired.

knowing that Hisoka is still stronger than killua for most of the time, killua tried his best for gon, and at last killua passed out due to how much he used the electrical shoot, "hm.. it seems like you can't defeat me yet, killua. you might as well hand over gon to me. " Hisoka said smiling, killua could still hear what Hisoka was saying, but when Hisoka glanced where he thought gon would be, he disappeard. Hisoka looks pissed and vanished. gon was hiding behind a tree and looked at killua laying on the ground, he ran up to killua and checked on him if he was okay.

killua had some injuries , gon didn't know what to do since killua is just laying there. he thought killua died.., "gon! are you okay? " gon heared someone yelled out his name, gon looked back and it was a yellow haired boy, gon stared at him looking frightened, "I'm sorry if I made you scared, he seems to be badly injured, my name is kurapika. " kurapika said checking up on killua, gon nodded in response,"wait gon are you okay too, it seems like your head is bleeding a little" kurapika pulled out a bandage and wrapped his scar up, this was the first time they had an interaction between each other, and it seems like it's going well, while killua is getting the medical attention he needs, gon decided to go on killua's phone and find his parents number, 'Mom. ' he finally found it. he texted the number,

and killua's keyboard was letters, it's not like gon didn't know the alphabet, it's just he's not used to it .

-excuse me. I'm killua's friend, and he fell unconscious after fighting some guy, do you maybe know how to make him better?..

-ah! , hello killua's friend, killua seems to always fall unconscious after he fought with someone if he used his powers, there should a some inject shoots to make him recover fast in his backpack, thank you for taking care of my son.

gon quickly closed killua's phone and searched the bag, he found some inject shoots that was already filled with the medicine, he quickly handed it to kurapika, maybe he knows how to inject it. kurapika understood what gon was trying to say and injected killua, killua started to recover quickly and not long he woke up feeling normal,killua looked at gon who was bandaged up, "ah! Gon I'm sorry did Hisoka hurt you! " killua stood up cupping gon's cheeks, gon smiled gently as respond he's okay, kurapika just stared at him, "anyways, we're probably almost late for school. let's go" kurapika said while killua and gon stood up and continued their way to school, they ended up showing late and parted different ways with kurapika, gon just stood there fidgeting his fingers

killua could already know that gon was scared because he has never been late except for the time when he was sick, killua took gon's hand and stormed in the class quickly not making eye contact, and sat in their seat, people just stared at them and started whispering,

'did they do something, ew that must be disgusting! '

'can you believe that they came in the exact same time maybe they did do it'

'ew gon shouldn't belong here he's a disgusting freak'

killua lend gon some earphones and put them in, gon instantly felt comfortable and he couldn't hear the bad whispers about him..  'oh. would you look at that.. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨.. ' Killua looked at it and made gon look, it was pretty.





sorry if this chapter is kinda shit-

Next chapter : 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦.

Words : 1511 ~ !

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺~ (𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘯) Where stories live. Discover now