Even after five years, grief hurts.

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CW: Schlatt x Wilbur, Mentions of a loved one passing away

July 11th 2022

"Tom? Tommy!— oh. Aww" Wilbur stopped in front of Tommy's room to see that Tommy's nap turned into a full nights rest, walking towards the bed Wilbur slowly shook Tommy awake. "Hgnn... Wilby?" Wilbur smiled, "Tubbo and Schlatt are—" "TOBY!" Tommy yelled jumping out of his bed running to the front. "I swear this child is pure caffeine and adrenaline." Wilbur thought and ran to catch up with him, "Hey Will!" Schlatt called seeing the 17 year old run after Tommy who was hugging onto Tubbo. Wilbur waved before collapsing onto Schlatt's chest, they were only a few years apart Schlatt was 19 and a college dropout with a 11 year old kid himself. Tubbo looked up to Schlatt, "Can I go see Tommy's new room?" He asked sweetly "Of course kid, just don't die going up the stairs." Schlatt joked at the end. "Huh?" Tommy mumbled, "I was running up the stairs of the apartment building and I fell on my face and slid all the way back down this morning." Tubbo said pointing to a few bandages over his cheeks and a slowly growing black eye.

"Jesus fucking christ Tubbo." Wilbur thought as the two kids ran off, "God I'm so tired. Moving with two kids as a single father is tiring." Wilbur groaned into Schlatt's chest still not letting go of him. Schlatt chuckled, "I can handle Tubbo but I can't even imagine taking care of two kids alone. How do you do it?" Wilbur stared at him, "No sleep and lots of monsters." Schlatt sighed and dragged Wilbur to the living room "Sleep. I'll watch the troublemakers—" "I can watch my own kids Schlatt I just need to get some coffee and other groceries in town." Wilbur interrupted Schlatt trying to get off the couch before Schlatt pushed him back down and sat on his legs. "Schlatt your fat ass is crushing my knees!" Wilbur yelled trying to push him off, "Nope your sleeping, I can take care of the kids and get groceries in town. Relax Will, I know it's hard for you to accept it but you need some relaxation." Wilbur sat up stared at Schlatt then very harshly grabbed Schlatt's dick catching him off guard and using that to throw him onto the floor slapping his ass afterwards. "You wouldn't get off." He smugly said and walked over schlatt's body.

"These bitches gay, good for them. Good for them." Techno chuckled seeing this all happen before going back up to the attic to the two annoying children, but also he hates all children. Tommy excitedly showed Tubbo what would be his bedroom in the attic, "Why'd you want to be in the attic?" Tubbo asked sitting on a bean bag Tommy had brought up with them. Tommy looked over at him offended, "Because it's cool duh! Honestly tubso." Tommy mumbled the last part shaking his head. "Might aswell have some fun!" Techno though before chucking a pillow at Tommy then disappearing, "Hey! Technoblade! That was rude! Come back!" He yelled at where the pillow came from, "Tommy? Nobody else is up here then us and who is Technoblade?" Tubbo asked worried for his best friend's sanity "He's a ghost that lives in the house, I met him last night!" Tommy exclaimed spinning on his heels before tripping and falling fast first onto a pointy box corner on his head. Tubbo chuckled before walking over, "Your head is red." "I think I bruised it..." Tommy stammered holding back tears as he touched the red spot on his head.

"That's not a bruise it's blood!—" the two yelled in sync as Tommy looked at his hand in fear Tommy did what any 10 year old would do and called for his father. "W-Wilby!" He whined and ran towards the ladder followed by Tubbo, "Wait up!—" Tubbo exclaimed as he missed a step on the ladder falling backwards "Jeez these kids are accident-prone. I'll help this once." Techno thought to himself and opened a closet throwing out a few pillows to soften Tubbo's fall. Tommy looked back and smirked, "Thank you Technoblade!" Tubbo stood up catching his breath amazed by what happened to him. "Was that the g-ghost?" Tommy nodded, "Tom?" Fundy whimpered seeing the blood on his forehead "Fundy!- hey, is dad still in the living room?" Tommy responded calmly as Tubbo saw Fundy start to tear up. 

"H-Hey Fundy its okay! I'm okay!" Tommy exclaimed hugging his little brother, "But your bleeding." Fundy whined. Tommy sighed, "It's just a scrape, I'm stronger than you think!" Fundy giggled slightly, "Stronger than dad?" Fundy joked, "No. but I will be in the future!" Tommy exclaimed loudly after putting down Fundy. Wilbur walked towards the two, "What happened Tom?" Will asked, Tommy was very accident prone so he wasn't surprised. Tommy hugged onto Wilbur slightly crying, "I hit my head on a cardboard box corner." He mumbled to Wilbur. Wilbur picked up Tommy and walked to the kitchen where he had kept the first aid so far, "Let me disinfectant it Tom" Tommy rolled his eyes groaning but sat on the counter as Wilbur disinfected the cut and placed a band aid over it.

"Your a dumbass." Wilbur said, "I'm your dumbass son!" Schlatt laughed hearing Tommy respond like that. Wilbur sighed, "Whatever, Tommy do you want to go out to get Groceries with me?" Tommy thought and nodded. "I can stay and help unpack and move your furniture Will, and watch over Fundy and Tubbo." Schlatt said walking up to the kitchen standing next to Wilbur. Tommy ran out of the open living and kitchen area to get his shoes on, "You sure? you don't have to watch after my kid along with Tubbo." Wilbur offered. Schlatt shook his head and placed his hands gently on Will's shoulders "I'll be fine, besides remember on how I grew up in a big household with mostly sisters?" Wilbur chuckled. Schlatt was the only boy in his family so he knew how to take care of AFAB children. "Fine fine, but if Fundy gets too much I can watch over him again!" Wilbur exclaimed taking off Schlatt's hands giving him a stern stare. Schlatt gave the same stare back, "Got it. I'll take a nap after the groceries." Will stammered before Tommy ran towards him. 

"I'm ready!" Tommy exclaimed looking up to Wilbur, he had on a little blue cardigan he was gave by Wilbur's ex. Will smiled slightly tearing up, Tommy looked down at his jacket then took it off and hugged Wilbur. "Sorry Wilby! I forgot who it came from!!" Wilbur chuckled and wiped his tears, "It's okay Tommy. She gave it to you as a gift. She'd want you to keep wearing it." Wilbur said holding Tommy's chin to look up at him. "Okay!" Tommy exclaimed putting the cardigan back on. Schlatt looked at the two a small bit confused, "He tires to avoid wearing things that remind me of Sal." He whispered as Schlatt stood there silently listening to will talk about his ex. "Heh, anyway imma go get Groceries with Tom now." Wilbur stated and smiled to Schlatt. "You know it's okay to feel sad about your g-ex passing away." Schlatt said to Will before he walked away.

The two headed out to the car, "Hey Wilby?" "Yeah Tommy?" Wilbur said looking at the 10 year old in the passenger seat next to him. Tommy was fiddling with his fingers with the oversized blue cardigan pushed up his arms, his messy blonde bed hair in his face as he seemed to be under the weather, "d-do you miss mom?" He stammered. Wilbur sighed and nodded, "Of course I do Thomas. She was my girlfriend, the love of my life. I had know her since middle school." "Thats a long time!" Tommy exclaimed, "Sure is buddy."


"Sally I'm telling you, red is your color!" Wilbur exclaimed as he waited for his girlfriend to be finished dressing up for a high school party it wasn't a crazy one or wasn't supposed to be one, "But it's the same color as my hair, doesn't blue look good too?" Wilbur paused he never saw Sally in blue, "Let me see, you don't wear it often!" He exclaimed as Sally exited her room wearing a blue cardigan with a simple white shirt under it and black pants. "Well?" She nervously asked her boyfriend, "Stunning. You look absolutely stunning!" He exclaimed and ran up to her hugging. "Aw thank you love! Now we should be heading there." He nodded, "I'll drive, your vision is shit at night." Sally said as they walked downstairs "Rude but true, I just need to update my prescription." Wilbur responded as they reached the front door. 

Wilbur grabbed his coat and left the house, his mother had died and his father worked almost every hour of the day so he was used to being home alone but they did have to wait for a babysitter for Thomas. "How much longer will they take?" Sally asked anxiously looking at the time, "Shouldn't be much longer." Will responded as the doorbell rang. "Finally!" Sally exhaled and opened the door, "I apologize for the wait Wilbur, my little brother wouldn't go down for a nap so I had to bring him with me."

— Flashback Over —

"Wilby? You zoned out again..." Tommy mumbled, "Ah- right sorry Tommy! You remember this town don't you?" Tommy looked at his father confused. Wilbur chuckled, "I met Sally here, I guess I just keep remembering her anyway lets go get the Groceries now!" 

Word count: 1605

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