Welcoming new neighbors

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Art credit: idk

July 20th 2022

They had been in the new house for a few days by now, furniture was mostly in the right place Tommy's attic room was set up and his old room was turned into a streaming studio for Wilbur. Tommy was on the couch playing minecraft on his iPad when a echoing knock came form the door, "Wilby! Someone's at the door!" He yelled knowing not to get it himself unless he knew the person and Schlatt also knocked in a pattern but this was not the pattern. Wilbur ran towards the door and opened it, "Can I help you?" He asked staring at the mysterious person he could've sworn he saw in town years ago. Maybe when he met Sally? "Oh yes hi, I'm Dream! I used to know the person who lived in the house and thought I might introduce myself." Tommy heard something about the house and someone who used to live there and ran towards the door, "Tom—" "Do you believe in ghosts!" Tommy yelled over his father.

Dream stared at the kid and chuckled, "I guess? Why?" Dream responded he liked kids atleast when they were nice, "There's a ghost here!" Tommy exclaimed before Wilbur pushed him away. "Sorry about Tommy, he's my son heh." Dream smiled and laughed, "it's okay! I have a little sister just under his age I'm used to it." Wilbur sighed with relief. Tommy was behind Wilbur watching the conversation, "Techno do you recognize him?" Tommy whispered to the air hoping Techno was downstairs. Techno was summoned by his name falling from the attic to the first floor, "What do you want?" He sternly asked the child, "Do you recognize him?" Tommy whispered pointing at Dream and Wilbur talking. Techno looked at the person, analyzing his outfit and voice "Maybe? He seems similar." Techno responded, "hey mister!" Tommy yelled at Dream interrupting Wilbur. Wilbur sighed letting his son talk, "Yes?" Dream responded looking down at the ten year old "What did the last person who lived here look like? There's a ghost who lives here!" Dream froze. A ghost actually lived there?

"Uh well he had dyed hair, glasses and was a pretty lazy person not leaving the house unless I dragged him to something." Dream responded looking away, "I guess technically he wasnt lazy just a introvert—" "What was his name!!" Tommy whined, "Thomas Innit Soot!" Wilbur exclaimed at his son, "What has gotten into you? Your normally so polite to new people, go sit on the couch your in a time out while I talk to Dream." Dream watched as Tommy sadly walked away. "His name was Alex by the way, we streamed together." Wilbur heard streaming and smiled. "You stream?" And so the two began to talk and build a friendship as the ghost watched, "Alex... it sounds similar?" Techno thought and observed Dream. "What are you doing?" Tommy whispered, "That name is familiar. Alex." Tommy jumped off the couch, "What if thats your name!" He exclaimed in a whisper yell pointing at Techno. "But I'm Technoblade? That's the name I remember anyway." He responded confused, it was the only name he remembered but Alex was familiar to him could he have known someone named it at one point? Tommy crossed his arms, "I'm going to ask Dream." Tommy walked over "I wanna see if the ghost who lives here you knew, was he kinda bossy and didn't like children?" 

Dream chuckled, "Sounds just like him, he had this thing he would say" he paused smiling, "it was "Officer I dropkicked that child in self defense!" Pretty ridiculous ain't it?" Tommy snickered at it, that was a pretty dumb quote. Techno went behind Tommy, "I like that quote." He snickered "I would love to keep talking about your ghost friend but I should probably head back, my roommate probably thinks I'm dead by now." Dream said holding up his phone, an hour had passed since he first arrived. Wilbur smiled, "Of course bye! Maybe I'll see you in town sometime?" Dream nodded before returning to his car as Wilbur shut the door. "What was with you today Tommy? Your normally pretty polite to people." Wilbur stated looking at his eldest kid sternly, "He knew the person before us! I wanted to learn about him!" Wilbur sighed "Ghosts aren't real Tommy." Tommy got upset balling his fists but let them go and started to tear up. "Yeah they are." A voice said behind Wilbur he immediately looked behind him to see the ghost, Technoblade floating behind him arms crossed with a upset look on it's face. "Y-your a actual ghost." Wilbur stammered.

"Y-yeah." Techno mocked getting closer towards Wilbur floating even more off the ground. Wilbur backed up, "Who are you?" He asked scared of this ghost his son has been telling the truth about. Tommy went in front of Wilbur looking straight up at him, taking a deep breathe Tommy stood up to his father "His name is Technoblade." "Or Techno if you want to shorten it" Techno added on after Tommy. Wilbur was stunned, he had a ghost in his house, his son had be talking to it since they probably moved in or what if it was even earlier than that!? Wilbur's mind started to spiral as he slowly walked over to the couch and sat down hands on his head, arms against his knees. Techno floated around them, the only pro of being dead in his opinion.

Techno didn't remember how he died, some days he has responses to things that maybe it was affiliated with. The cold always made Techno scared, same with winter and snow fall luckily enough for him he had a few months till it would start to snow in town.

 Word count: 960

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