office meeting

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I walked into his office and looked around the room, it was fairly simple; walls dark grey, oak floor, small windows at the back and to the left wall, and in the middle was a dark oak desk and 3 chairs, two of them was having the back towards the door and the other was on the opposite side, I took a seat and waited for him, there was also a large picture frame in the middle of the back wall, everyone posing in front of him. I suppose they do look like a massive family.

“We will need to update it soon so you’re in it too.” a voice appeared, i jumped and looked back and saw slender. I took a deep breath and sighed.

“You scared me! I didn’t hear you coming in. I'm not a part of the family though, so why add me in the picture?” my voice was a little shaken from the scare.

“Nonsense, of course you are my child, whoever enters this mansion with one of my proxies they become my child.” he said as he sat in his chair opposite of me. “Bloody painter has made this for us, isn’t it beautiful?” he continues, i nod with a smile having my eyes on the painting, i turn my head back to him.

“So what is it that you needed me for?” he leaned back in his chair slightly. He let out a sigh.

"I am here to answer any questions you may have about us or what your new life would be like." He said as he leaned back on his chair. I started to ask him questions and he would answer making them into long conversations into anything and everything.


"Alright last question for you, who are they and what do they do?" He hesitated a little and a different voice was heard from behind me, making me jump slightly.

"Simple, we murder people." A deep but calm voice said. He was wearing a blue mask. I saw him earlier today.

"Eyeless jack thank you for coming, I have a mission for you, Jeff, Masky and hoodie, there have been some school kids lurking around my forest and somehow got an image on my mansion, I want you to go and kill them!" With that he nodded and walked back out.

"You may leave now child, thank you for your time." I thanked him and walked out making my way to LJ and my room.

Hey sorry for the late publishing, been busy all day haha, hope you enjoy and sorry for it being short I didn't really know what to do for this chapter.

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