the proposal

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Chapter 16

Sally's pov:

Everything was ready, the plan had worked and now we just needed her, I offered to grab her so I skipped to (y/n) Laughing Jack's room and knocked.

"Hey… (y/n) may I come in please? Wanna come to my room and have a tea party?"

A soft and weak "come in" barely audible for me to hear, I opened the door slightly and walked in, I held the hem of my dress and looked down.

"(Y-y/n) ummm we all are sorry for ghosting you for a couple of days… we didn't mean to hurt you." I felt horrible, she looked at me and smiled a little, and pulled me into a hug.

"Why would I ever be mad at you? Now let's have that tea party you were speaking of, yeah?"

I nodded a little and held hands as we walked out of her room, we walked past my room smiling a little and started walking towards the stairs.

"Hey I thought we were having a tea party in your room."

I look at her and smile giggling with excitement, as we walked down the stairs, there were whispers and slight shuffling noises.

(Y/n) pov:

I was so confused, what was happening? The living room was pitch black and Sally was happy, were we having the tea party here? The lights soon came on and everyone was here, everyone held a sign with a letter and it spelt "will you marry me?" Laughing Jack came towards me and got on one knee and smiled, I started to tear up and nodded.

"(Y/n) ever since you came here you have made me feel complete, like I had a purpose, and I cannot imagine a life without you in it, so will you stay by my side till death do us part a-"

"YES! Yes, of course I will! I love you so much."

I jumped in his arms and kissed him, everyone cheered, he broke the hug and placed a black and white ring on me, I looked at it and kissed him again.

"I love you so much baby."

"I love you too, my gumdrop."

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