Christmas is here

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No ones pov:

A couple months has passed when (y/n) was now with everyone in her new life. They have made themselves a new home, a new family. Christmas was around the corner, about 5 days away, and they were stressed as they didn't know what to get everyone. The human kept asking everyone what they wanted but they all said the same answers.
"We don't celebrate it." That made her mad and annoyed and so she made it her mission to make the best Christmas they have ever experienced.

(Y/n) pov:

"I can't believe they don't celebrate Christmas! That's ridiculous, I shou-" I got snapped out of my out loud thinking when a small girl with long brown hair flowing behind her came to me.

"What's Christmas (y/n)?" She looked at me with her big emerald eyes. I was shocked by that question. Now I was really determined to make it the best party ever!

"It happens once a year on the 25th day of December, were people come and have a party and have presents." I said, her little face lit up with excitement as she was jumping up and down.
"I wanna do that!" She said spinning in circles. I giggled and pulled her over.

"Can you keep a secret?" She nodded. "Alright well I'm planning on making a party for everyone, but for that I might need a little helper." I winked and poked her tummy a little and that caused her to giggle. She nodded.

"Alright, well first we will need a big Christmas tree, could you tell 2 or 3 boys to go cut down a pine tree? That will be our tree and then you and I can make some paper decorations for the tree." She couldn't hold in her excitement and ran to hoodie, Masky and Toby.

"I want a pine tree! Can you cut one for me and put it inside pleeeaassseeee." She said with puppy dog eyes, they rolled their eyes and sighed as they went to cut one down. While they were doing that, me and Sally went to the bloody painter and told him our plan, he agreed and helped us to make the decorations. The bloody painter was mainly to himself so I knew he wouldn't tell anyone and agreed to help to kick everyone out when we were about to decorate the house.

~an hour later~

(Y/n) pov:

We have finally finished making the decorations for the tree and the house. Sally made a paper chain for tinsel, it was a pretty cute, bloody painter and I made paper angels and other festive stuff that relates to Christmas. We put everything in a box and soon we kicked everyone out. They were all complaining and suspicious of what we were doing but didn't really catch on. We started to put all the decorations on the tree, but there was a problem, me and the bloody painter were too small to put the star on the tree and even if we picked Sally we were still too small. We all thought of what to do when someone came through the door, it was L.J, perfect!

"L.J! Come here I need your help. Can you pick Sally or me to pu-" I was interrupted when he began to talk.

"You know the sender's going to be mad about this. There is a reason we don't celebrate Christmas. But fine, just don't rat me out, i was never here." He picked me up by my waist and lifted me up. I blushed a little and put the star on top, I knew he was strong but not this strong nor that tall! Damn…

"Alright well I'm out now, I know nothing." He poofed into a black smoke teleporting into the kitchen to spy on us, I coughed a little from the smoke and smiled a little.
We all looked up at the tree admiring what we had done and smiled.

"This looks amazing!" Sally said, I nodded and hugged her.
"Yeah, and thank you for the help, maybe next year we will have help with decorating the tree." I crouch down and hug her as a thank you.

"How about we go shopping for Christmas presents? And you can help me with the gifts, but I'll have to be alone when I buy yours as I don't want you to see it until the 25th." I said, she pouted a little before she smiled and nodded.

L.J pov:

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch as I was scrolling through the channels before a movie that peaked his interest came on. Bloody painter sat next to me.

"So giving her a present for the 25th?" He asked, looking at me. I look at him as my lips curled into a smirk.

"Of course I do, but I will be giving it to her a day early though heh." He raised an eyebrow and turned his attention to the TV.

Alright well ch 10 is out now, hope you enjoy it, ch 11 and 12 will come out together, need to finish ch 12 and then they will be out! Hope you enjoy it

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