{ Chapter one }

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Sunny woke up in the living room, one he was familiar with but it was not the cold and empty one that was situated in his house.

This one brought a sense of comfort and nostalgia to the raven haired boy. It made him feel relaxed and at ease.

Though the atmosphere was not how he remembered it to be. It was heavy, dark and gloomy, malevolent in a way.

Sunny felt his stomach tighten as if his organs were closing in on themselves.
He felt uneasy his hands and legs trembling slightly.

His eyes had adjusted to the almost completely dark room. The only light source coming from the small telly that was playing static in the background.

Sunny could see his friends sleeping when he scanned the room. They were all sound asleep, especially Kel who was snoring away, his position looked rather uncomfortable but either way he didn't look like he would be waking up anytime soon.


Basil, Sunny hadn't seen him very often. Ever since he came out of his house it had seemed like Basil was doing everything in his power to avoid him. That probably being the case, and Sunny did not blame him, not entirely at least.

The boy radiated anxiousness along with sadness. Sunny knew that he was the cause of this but he still tried to push it to the back of his mind.

He would be lying if he said that the couple of times he had seen Basi like that hadn't had any effect on him at all. Of course seeing his best friend miserable had an immense effect on him, more than he realized.

That's it Sunny, it's time to be the bigger man.

He said to himself internally. He couldn't help but her those words in his sisters voice, it sounds like something she would have said to him. And if she were still here, she would most definitely had said that.

Sunny sat up from the area of the floor that he had been sleeping, the blanket falling off of his slim figure and onto the, rather uncomfortable, floor as he stood.

He carefully and quietly made his way to the door that lead into the hallway.
Once he entered the hallway he stood in silence trying to remember which one was the entry to the flower boy's room.

The furthers to my left I think.

Sunny began to walk towards the furthest door, the distance in general wasn't that long but time seemed to go by slower as panic filled the boys chest.

He reached the door to Basil's room and stopped. He stood Infront of the door for a solid minute contemplating what his next move should be.

Save Basil

Don't save Basil




This shouldn't be a difficult choice. He's your friend Sunny, your *best* friend.





Sunny walked away from the door and back towards the living room, he glanced one last time before facing forward and not turning back ever again.

He lay back down on the floor and enveloped himself in the warmth that the blankets had to offer him. To protect him from the cold breeze that flows through the cracks in the window, and, to protect him from the heavy silence echoing through the night.

It didn't take long for him to drift off to sleep. He'd gotten used to sleeping, and he had discovered more and more methods to fall asleep quickly over the past four years that he had stayed cooped up in his little room.

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