{ Chapter three }

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Sunny shrieked in pain, he stumbled back onto the bed.
His left hand immediately rose from his side to cover his eye.

Basil had managed to strike his left eye with the gardening tool, slicing it and surrounding skin. Well it doesn't take an expert to say that his eye won't be of any use anymore.

Sunny frantically scrambled up from the bed, he stood in the centre of the room facing Basil.

The sound of the gardening tool slicing the air, punches being thrown. Whimpers, shrieks, screams, and pleading. All echoed through the room, filling the silence with terror and rage.

Sunny fell onto his back with Basil on top of him. It reminded him of the time Basil chased him through a flower field and accidentally fell onto him after tripping over a rock in the ground.

Basil huffed out of breath, the hot air hitting Sunny in the face. Sunny's breathing was uneven from all of the running, and punching, and dodging.

Basil cupped Sunny's cheek with his unoccupied hand.
His stare was menacing very different from his usual baby blue eyes.

"It's okay Sunny, I'll save, I'll save you.." Basil stuttered, his words were all over the place. The more he said this the more it lost meaning.

Sunny frowned at his friends state. This is *not* how he had wanted things to play out.

The two had been fighting for ages. Sunny just wanted to talk to his friend, to get him to live in reality instead of the lie he had created to protect Sunny from the cruelty of the real world.

Sunny wanted Basil back, his Basil, the *real* Basil.
The Basil that he would sit beside under the tent at night and read all sorts of interesting stories with.
The Basil that was so kind yet so timid. The Basil that would pour his heart and soul out onto the floor for Sunny to see. Not the Basil that was filled to the brim with anxiety and regret.

Basil was still on top of Sunny, he hadn't done anything yet. He was just there, staring into a black void of nothing.

What, what do you see Basil?

Sunny remembered a move that Aubrey had demonstrated on Kel a little while ago. It was ground work, self-defence. The move worked with two people on the ground, one pinned down onto the floor while the other one sat on top of them.

I could use that now so then I would be on top of Basil, he wouldn't be able to hit me and I could take the gardening tool away from him. I'd have the upper hand. Only thing is I'd need to do it quickly.

With quick thinking and determination to help his friend, Sunny raised his hips up towards the ceiling. Basil gave him a confused look, he didn't know what Sunny was doing. This gave Sunny the upper hand, since Basil had no idea what was going on he wouldn't even think of trying to pin Sunny to the ground to prevent him from moving.

Sunny grabbed Basil's hand, the one that wasn't holding the garden tool, he grabbed his arm with his right hand, just behind the elbow and pinned his hand to his chest with his left.

Basil narrowed his eyebrows in pure confusion still having absolutely no idea what Sunny was doing and how he should react.

Sunny then placed his legs over Basil's hooking them by his side so Basil couldn't move. Basil tried to pull his hand away but it was no use it wouldn't budge.

Then Sunny flipped himself over bringing the blonde boy with him. Basil let out a groan as his back hit the floor and the gardening tool fell from his hand leaving him defenceless.

Now the raven haired boy was on top of the blonde, Basil would definitely be freaking out now but since he has no way of moving maybe he'll drain himself of his energy and Sunny will finally be able to talk to him.

Thanks for that Aubrey, I didn't think I'd be using that move on someone one day, let alone my best friend.

"Basil" Sunny called out to the flower boy, *hoping* for a calm response. Basil was struggling under him, attempting to get out of his hold. "Let me go!" Basil yelled infuriated.

"What do you see Basil?" Sunny's question left the boy tense and uneasy, he wasn't expecting that question. Then what did he expect?

Basil furrowed his eyebrows "What!?" his tone was harsh, but Sunny was patient he would spend four years here if that's how long it would take for Basil to realize that Sunny was right here with him, and that something was not.

Sunny asked again his voice was soft "What do you see?" the black haired boy was going to convince Basil that their somethings aren't real, he was going to uncover the truth along with his and Basil's real emotions.

Basil glared at him and mumbled "..something.." Sunny already knew that was the answer he would receive and he was glad that Basil said it.

Sunny placed Basil's hand against his chest right over his heart, he wanted Basil to feel his own heartbeat.
"Why don't you see me Basil? I'm right here.." this may come across as creepy or weird to Basil but it might just send the message to him. That's what Sunny was hoping for.

Basil didn't respond to the boy on top of him, he remained silent "My heart beats Basil, but something doesn't have one" Sunny intertwined their fingers together.

"W--what..?" Basil murmured, Sunny smiled softly "Your heart beats too Basil, your something doesn't have a heartbeat either" Basil looked like he was about to cry.

Sunny softened his gaze, he knew what he was about to say next may cause Basil to cry but it needed to be said.
"How can something without a heart beat manage to do all of those things?" Sunny tilted his head slightly, his smile disappeared from his face.

Basil winced at those words now knowing that they were true, he always knew he just never wanted to believe that. His mouth began to tremble as Sunny spoke his next words.

"All of those things being pushing Mari down the stairs, covering it up, drawing on your photo album-" Basil was crying at this stage the truth had finally settled upon the two, Sunny was okay with the truth now. Not Basil, for him it would take some time to be comfortable with it.

"And also coming back for you Basil" Sunny was crying himself, not as heavily as Basil but his emotions were present.

Sunny pulled Basil in for a hug, he held the flower boy close to his chest refusing to ever let him go again. Tears freely streamed down both of their faces. Basil hugged him back, returning the warmth of the embrace despite how cold the night air was.

The room seemed to become  brighter.

You've managed to forgive a small fraction of yourself. Are you doing the right thing?

Notes :   Sorry this chapter didn't come out sooner I was fighting against the government. #Badass
Anyways, did I slay with this chapter?✌️😍

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