{ Chapter two }

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Sunny found himself awake in the middle of the night, he did not know what the time was. But judging by the darkness of the room it was sometime around one am maybe.

A strange feeling lingered in the room, intoxicating the atmosphere. Darkness obscured his peripheral vision, it frightened him to say the least. It would have been easier to simply just lay back onto the floor and drift off to sleep.

However, Sunny's gut instinct was telling him that if he went back to sleep he would wake up to something unpleasant. Sunny normally would not trust his gut, but for some reason he felt that maybe just this one time he should listen.

And so he did. He rose up from the floor, not even taking a second to scan his surroundings, and made his way into the hall. He didn't need to stop in the hallway to remind himself which of the three doors belonged to Basil, he already knew.

He walked over to the door and grabbed the handle.

"Do you want to save Ba-"

Yes I do.

He quietly opened the door so no one else would be alerted by it's creaking. Once the door was open he was surprised to see that the hallway was brighter in comparison to the flower boy's room.


He stood there, facing the window, his back towards to boy. As if he was trying his hardest not to face him, as if he didn't want to, almost as if he was...afraid of him.

Basil..even if you were afraid of me...I would hope that it would be because you finally faced the truth, and learned to accept it as it is. I hope that...That you will stop covering for me...I hope you're not looking at me because you are mad at me for what I have done.

I hope you are mad at me because I have hurt people. Our friends. Because I have hurt Kel, I have hurt Hero, I have hurt Aubrey, I have hurt Mari, and.... Because I have hurt you, Basil.

Sunny took a deep breath of the ice cold air that hit his face. Was he mentally prepared to face Basil? No, definitely not. Was he willing to face him? Very much so.

The first step towards a brighter future is acceptance of the past.

Of course Sunny wanted things to go back to normal, however he was aware of the fact that it wasn't possible. That's the only reason that headspace exists.

Sunny is learning to accept the fact that headspace is no better than the reality he denied.

Maybe he can learn to love the real world. Perhaps he'll prefer his real friends over his fictional ones.

Maybe he can save the real Basil this time instead of the one with torquoise hair and a colourful flower crown, the one that only exists in his dreams. However was still aware of the truth.

The real Basil is here infront of him, he's learning to face the past so he can move on.

I hope you're apart of my future, Basil.

"S--Sunny..?" Sunny was ripped from his thoughts when a raspy voice called his name. That voice belonged to Basil, his friend.

Sunny felt slightly uncomfortable hearing his friend's voice, though he sounded different now. His voice had always been soft, quite, and rather high pitched for a guy.

Of course, he was younger then but that wasn't *too* long ago. He sounded like he hadn't spoken to anyone in ages. Which was probably the case.

"W..what, are you doing..here?" Basil looked so tired, so miserable, so unlike Basil. Sunny felt like he had been stabbed with a sharp, broken and jagged piece of glass from Basil's heart in that moment.

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