First Words

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The sun had risen, and the members of Saint Francis Orphanage spent their day climbing trees, and frolicking in the open, albeit dead, fields. The children wanted to take advantage of the rare occasion when the matron wasn't there. Most children at least, but not Enola. Enola was a quiet girl, and ever since her friend, and quite honestly sister, had left the orphanage Enola no longer felt like speaking. She spent her day in the cold confines of the rickety old home.

Enola had known nothing of her heritage, and she wouldn't for quite some time. She even picked out her own name, as nobody else wanted to name her. Enola S. DuPont. Her last name being adopted from her former sister Delphine DuPont.

So, when a woman in glittering emerald green robes arrived at the orphanage and told Enola she was a witch, Enola closed the door.

But when the young girl had turned around, the same woman was standing right there. She knew it had to be true. Right?

The strict, and almost motherly, woman explained the school of magic, Hogwarts, which she would be attending. Enola stayed quiet. She wouldn't break her streak of silence, not even after being told the most world changing piece of information.

She didn't have anybody to tell about my newfound information. She waited for the day when she would be picked up and taken to get her school supplies.

Three weeks later and all hope had been lost.

'I was supposed to escape. I was supposed to go to this magical school, and be the best damn witch there.' Enola thought to herself. But she hadn't heard from the strange woman. And wouldn't hear from her until a week later. When Enola would be reassured that she had not fallen into the depths of insanity quite yet.

"Hello there Ms. DuPont" said the stern woman in a posh voice.

The strange girl only nodded in return.

The two were a strange pair, and they finally left the orphanage after a long, harsh discussion with the matron. Where words Enola hadn't even heard before were used. And the young innocent looking girl had the voice of a sailor before her vow of silence.

Enola thought to herself 'bloody hell.. this must be it for me' when McGonagall led her into a grimy pub. This was it. The time to break her year long silence.

"Professor?" Her voice had come out quivering and scratchy, for it had been so long since she used it.

"Yes Ms. DuPont?" She said in an unmoving voice.

"If you are planning to kidnap me I won't hesitate to poke out your eyes." Enolas voice was clearer now, and so was her warning to McGonagall.

To say the professor was shocked would be an understatement. Up until now she hadn't seen the resemblance between the quiet girl and her fathers. But, after hearing this sentence she knew the girl was just like her father, Sirius Black. She had yet to see the resemblance between the girl and Remus Lupin, but anyone who truly knew Enola knew there was a strong similarity between the two.

"Ms. DuPont I can assure you that you're not being kidnapped, and you most certainly won't be poking anyone's eye out." McGonagall reassured with the faintest of smiles. If Enola had blinked she would've missed it, but she rarely blinked, she thought it was a good way to practice discipline.

Enola had nothing to say back to the woman. As they neared a stone wall in the back of the pub Enolas suspicions only grew. 'I'm was going to die'.'Enola didn't die that day and just a second later her whole world changed.

McGonagall muttered a strange word which Enola presumed was Latin and the wall began to open up, brick by brick, revealing the most lively place she had ever seen. Children ran around accompanied by their parents and loud chatter could be heard from everywhere around her. Spirits were high for everyone, and surprisingly Enolas spirits were high too.

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