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     The next morning Enola awoke and she was dreading having to navigate the way through the King's Cross train station. She got out of bed, and the second her feet touched the freezing hardwood floor she regretted it. But she had to be at the station at least by 10:30 am so she put on some blue baggy jeans, a hand-me-down from the orphanage, a David Bowie shirt, and her leather jacket. She didn't bother doing anything to her hair, as it could never be tamed, it was as if her hair had a mind of its own.

     After taking a bus down to the station she was officially confused. The ticket McGonagall gave her says 9 3/4, but that doesn't exist. She wandered around the station questioning workers but she only got laughed at. Right when she was going to give up, she saw a group of redheads talking about 'muggles'. A word she had previously heard Minnie use.

     Turns out, she wasn't the only one confused. A boy around her same age approached one of the redheads, the mother of the family. Enola not wanting to interrupt the conversation between the two, approached a boy who seemed eerily familiar to her. Yet, she could not place where she might have seen him before.

     She approached the tall boy and he glanced down at her with a shocked expression on his face. Enola didn't think she was so hideous that it was shocking, she didn't think she was hideous at all.

     "Excuse me, how do you... you know," mumbled Enola. Something about this boy made her nervous.

     "How to get onto the platform?" the boy said turning bright red.

    "Yes," was all she replied with.

     "You just run into the wall between platforms nine and ten." He explained it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, it wasn't.

     Enola didn't waste time with a reply she broke out into a sprint and there it was. A beautiful crimson red train, she could see many people reuniting with their friends through the windows of the train. And she saw many families say goodbye on the platform.

     There it was again, that feeling, Enola wasn't sure what it was but she didn't like it. She was okay with being alone, she didn't need anyone. She steered through the many groups of people and boarded the train.

     Enola found herself an empty compartment, just the way she liked it. Her trip to the castle was perfect. Uninterrupted quiet time as she became acquainted with new wizarding sweets. She also spent her trip to the castle reading her favorite story the story of Achilles and his lover Patroclus she loved heroic stories packed full of adventure, and she always loved a good tragedy.

     Suddenly she was pulled out of her book as the train came to a halt. She looked out of the window and he heart stopped. It was beautiful, glorious, magnificent. No words could quite describe the beauty of the castle. Suddenly, she was much happier about spending her time here. Sure she would have to talk to people but the second she laid eyes upon the school she knew, this was her home.

     As she exited the train she was in awe of the castle. So much so that she didn't realize she had walked straight into a wall. No. This wasn't a wall it was a man who had to at least be 10 feet tall. Be had a bushy beard, red, rosy cheeks, and a warm, inviting smile.

     "Woah there lass, are you alright?" he asked with a friendly smile.

     "Yes sir, I apologize, I've just never seen anything like it," she said in an apologetic tone.

     "Who you calling sir," he laughed.

     "Sorry, sir," said Enola yet again apologizing.

     The tall man laughed again. "Call me Hagrid," he insisted.

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