Summer comes and goes

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Enola never forgot the vow she made during that night in the great hall. She hadn't made any friends at Hogwarts but during her first and second years, her grades were impeccable.

Completely perfect, and that would not change. Enola had learned that she didn't need friends, as a child she always had a small ounce of wanting for a friend but after being exposed to the cold Slytherins, she gave up on that dream.

It was now the summertime, a week before the start of her third year. She spent her summers as she always did, living at the leaky cauldron. And without uttering a word, except to Tom of course. She spent her time on her studies. Reading numerous books she had nicked from the library.

But today, she was currently on a muggle bus with a strange man sitting next to her, a bit too close for comfort. She felt like a piece of meat as his eyes grazed her skin. It was the summertime so she found herself in shorts and a tank top. She regretted her choice of clothes especially when his hand reached her thigh.

Enola never wanted trouble, and she hated bringing attention to herself. But, just this once she would go against this. She
pulled out a pocket knife she always carried with her and sliced the top of the man's hand. Sure it was a little crazy, and even though she didn't know it she was heavily resembling a distant cousin, as a sadistic smile crept on her face. Hearing the man scream in pain filled her heart. He deserved it, there was no excuse for preying on young girls. And it was Enola's stop.

She quickly rushed off the bus and ran toward the Leaky Cauldron. Home.

"TOM" Enola bellowed, excited to see the closest thing she had to family.

"Enola! I have missed you the past few days! Where have you been?" Tom queried.

"Oh you know Tom I've been here and here." Enola wouldn't want to admit to Tom that she had spent the last few days stealing wallets from muggles. It had gotten too suspicious to steal in Diagon alley. But she couldn't tell that to Tom.

     She bid him goodbye after a warm embrace and rushed up to her room. It was time to count her loot and finally get her school shopping done. She ended up counting around five thousand pounds. The
Equivalent to 200 galleons. An absolute score on her part. She would have lots of money to spend on books, and housemade trips. She had tried to get even more wallets this year as she had gotten Tom to sign her housemade form.

     She made her trip to Gringotts to make an exchange for wizarding currency and prepared for her shopping spree.

     20 books, new robes, color-changing quills, and a dog. The dog was an impulsive buy...

     There she was standing in from of the pet shop in Diagon alley when she saw him, a sweet newfound land puppy with fur the color of midnight. She couldn't help it when she rushed in and the pair automatically clicked. However perfect and the two of them seemed to have been waiting for each other. She knew dogs weren't allowed at Hogwarts but in all honesty, she didn't give a fuck. This was her dog. She hoped he would get along with Minnie.

She named the dog Sev, purely for kicks. Minnie and Sev how perfect. Despite his name, he and Minnie got along wonderfully.

She spent a couple of days between her room playing chess with Tom. And then everything would change. The night before she would leave for the Hogwarts Express, she went down to play chess with Tom. And she was met with a gaggle of gingers, Hermione Granger, and the fucking boy who lived.

"LITTLE SNAKE" screamed Fred, she could tell it was him as he was the only person who would create such an unoriginal nickname. She grimaced and made her way to the table, as the whole damn family was staring at her.

"Weasleys, Potter, and my favorite Gryffindor." She greeted.

Hermione broke into a blush and stuttered out "I'm your favorite Gryffindor?"

"Of course, it would be ridiculous of me to not notice a witch as bright as you." The pair had never spoken before, but everything she said was honest she had a huge admiration for Hermione and her ability to be smart while also having relationships with others.

"I've noticed you too, your marks are incredible," Hermione said with a flattering smirk. Hermione had also paid attention to the Slytherin, but was always too afraid to talk to her due to her cold demeanor.

"What about me?" Fred but into the conversation.

"I can't stand you, Weasley," Enola said coldly.

His mother, Mrs. Weasley let out a laugh. "Right thing you putting him in his place dear!" She said with a warm smile.

"I'm Enola DuPont, you must be Mrs. Weasley," Enola said overcome with warmth from the love radiating off the woman.

Mrs. Weasley invited her to sit with the family and she found herself in a spot in between the father, called Arthur, and Harry Potter. The family welcomed her in as if she was one of her own including her in their conversation. Arthur Weasley even talked to her about muggle life, inquiring about the function of a rubber duck.

To say she was overwhelmed would be an understatement, she had never experienced such a thing. And apparently, the boy sitting next to her picked up on this.

"I get it," Harry said.

"I'm sorry?" Questioned Enola.

"Oh the Weasleys it can be a lot for kids like us, too remember my first time, don't tell anyone but I sobbed in their bathroom. It's hard seeing what you're missing out on." Harry whispered.

They both felt it was a blossoming friendship, she had never felt so happy. He was very kind, she had a feeling, a strange feeling that they would become the best of friends. Which was very out of character for her. She responded to his confession with a real smile, something nobody at the table had seen yet.

"Harry, I think you just did the impossible," Enola whispered in his ear.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You just made friends with Enola DuPont, that's quite a feat." She said with a smile.

"This could be a great friendship you know. Imagine all the pranks, you as the mastermind, me as the charismatic sidekick." Harry said with a smile.

"Deal," Enola said proudly. They shook on it. And for the people who had seen the same scene play out decades ago, between their fathers they would see a glimpse of them in the children.

Dinner went late and Enola for the first time in her life felt herself making friends, maybe even family. And when it was time for bed for the first time since she was a kid she didn't feel hollow.

And the next morning she woke up with a smile on her face, today she was going to Hogwarts. And last night she had an epiphany, this year would be different. This year she would be happy. So she put on a cream sweater, tan cargo pants, and a leather jacket 3 sizes too large. And she made her way downstairs as she would be traveling with the Weasleys. Which was decided last night. When she came downstairs holding two suitcases, a cat, and a puppy the family except for Percy and Mrs. Weasley broke into laughter. She wasn't sure what was so funny until the twins rushed to help he with her pets and luggage.

"Enola!" Hermione said in a strict voice.

"Yeah" she replied groggily, she was not a morning person.

"Dogs aren't allowed at Hogwarts!" She said in a panic.

"So neither are snitches I'll be fine... wait snitches are allowed at Hogwarts. You get my point, as long as nobody tells me and Sevvy will be fine!" Enola said strangely cheerfully, she didn't even recognize her own voice.

Fred and George gasped, "Did you... Did you name your cat after Snape?" They said in sync.

"First of all, that was bloody terrifying and I thought it would be funny." She said shyly.

"Oh.. we will get along just fine sweet Enola," Fred said.

Enola replied with a smile, she had done enough talking for the morning. And the group set off for the Hogwarts express.

*next chapter is a Remmy-Enola reunion

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