Dementors and Stolen Wallets

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The family had made their way to King's cross after a chaotic ride. They quickly made their way through the entrance to platform 9 3/4s. And made their way toward the crimson train.

The family hugged and Mrs. Weasley cried, horrified at the thought of not seeing her children for so long. And Mrs. Wweasley with her red cheeks and tear-stained face made her way toward Enola. She embraced the younger girl in a suffocating hug. Enola was shocked, she always watched as families said their goodbyes but she never expected to be a part of it.

"Oh you are just the sweetest girl, I hope you'll visit next summer little Enola.." Mrs. Weasley said.

Enola didn't think she was being honest, she was convinced that the woman was only making pleasantries. But she hoped it was true.

Harry invited her to sit with him and his friends. Enola quickly declined not wanting to impose but the group dragged her along with them. The four struggled to find an empty compartment and ended up having to sit in a compartment with a sleeping man, who was sporting raggedy robes, not that Enola cared.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron hissed as they sat down and slid the door shut, taking the seats farthest away from the window.

"Professor R. J. Lupin," whispered Hermione at once.

"Is he famous or something, I swear I've heard that name..?" Enola asked.

"How d'you know that was his name?"

"It's on his case," she replied, pointing at the luggage rack over the man's head, where there sat a small case bursting at the seams, needing to be held together with large quantities of rope.

Professor R. J. Lupin was plastered across the front of the case. Enola knew the name but shrugged it off, she knew lots of names.

"Wonder what he teaches?" said Ron, frowning at the sick-looking man.

"That's obvious," whispered Hermione.
"There's only one vacancy, isn't there?
Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Hope he's better than last year, Lockhart was a creep, I swear he used to hit on me," Enola said laughing.

Enola herself was sitting next to the man as the trio sat across from her. She quickly noticed just how tattered his robes were and reached for her case. After opening it she realized finding the right this would be next to impossible. And started throwing her items everywhere.

"Enola, Bloody Hell! What do you think you're doing?" Ron said with a flabbergasted expression painting his freckled face.

"I've almost found it, Ronald, don't you worry," she replied with a patronizing smirk.

"My name not Ro-" he was quickly cut off by the sounds of Enola's cheering.

"Found it, madame malkins special mending thread!" she squealed.

The group didn't understand what she needed it for until she got to work on the Professor's robes. She knew what it was like to have to wear raggedy clothing. And she wished she would've had someone to mend her clothes. The trio had never thought of her as a particularly kind person but they were all currently wondering why she hadn't been sorted in Hufflepuff.

The group kept making conversation until a dreadful noise broke out. It was discovered that it was a sneakascope, something that only goes off when someone is untrustworthy. Ron blamed it on the cheapness of the object. But Enola had another theory.

"I heard about the new teacher this year, people are saying he's a drug dealer. Looks like one doesn't he?" Enola said as she hurt a faint north come from the left of her.

"Mhm, I also heard he used to be a male stripper, maybe that's why he's so familiar. I have spent a fair amount of time in strip clubs." Enola said biting back a laugh.

"Do I even want to know?" Harry said while Hermione and Ron looked at the girl with shock evident on their faces.

"Absolutely not."

And then everything went dark. The group was chattering with each other spouting theories on why this was happening. But Enola felt frozen she felt like she was a kid, still in an abusive orphanage, and she felt small. Enola didn't know why until the compartment door slowly opened. Revealing a cloaked figure. The figure reached his hands towards Harry and her. And she heard it, a man profusely apologizing. Screaming that he couldn't raise her. The last thing she heard before she was slapped awake was...

"I don't think I'll ever see you again my Libra."

     She was then woken to a chatter of voices standing over her.

     "Ah, you're awake, here have this," Lupin said handing her a piece of chocolate.

      She understood why his name was so familiar. But she hoped he didn't recognize her. After all, she did steal his wallet

     She wasn't the only one who remembered.

     Looking down at the young girl he understood why her voice had sounded so familiar, the girl who stole his wallet two years ago. He had felt angry at the time, but he helped her and mended her wounds. And that loss of money hit him hard as he was never well off. But after seeing her now he understood she was a good kid, she had mended his robes! And then she awoke. Remus could tell she recognized him. He could even hear the silent prayers, as she hopes that he had forgotten.

     "Ah, you're awake, here have this." He said handing the girl a comically large chunk of chocolate, which happened to be her favorite thing in the world. She looked up to smile at the professor. And was then brought back to the reality of the situation.

Yet again, Enola was throwing everything from her case around the compartment annoying a recently awoken Harry Potter. She had to find it. The wallet was the first she had ever stolen. And the only time she had felt guilty for her sticky fingers.

There it was at the bottom of her case hidden behind band tees, books, and embarrassingly, underwear. She took the wallet out and set it in her pocket. Quickly putting away the piles of clothes and
books littering the compartment. The group couldn't help but laugh at her red face and mortified expression. Enola was embarrassed but she was glad she could cheer Harry up.

"I gotta go right some wrongs be right back!" Enola said as she broke into a run.

And she ran until she ran straight into the man she had been looking for.

"Ms. Whatever your last name is, whatever are you doing?" Remus said, pretending to be a proper professor.

"Sorry professor, I just- I had to." Enola panted out unable to find the right words to confront him with.

"Enola. Is this about the wallet?" Remus asked with a sly smile.

He was quite surprised when the flustered girl handed him the very wallet he
had lost all those years ago containing even more money than was stolen.

"Sorry, Remmy. I wanted to return it a while ago..."

Lupin burst into fits of laughter and eventually, Enola couldn't help but join in.

"Thank you, you probably needed it more than me," he said with a kind voice.

"Debatable professor," Enola said before regretting her words. How could she talk to a teacher like that?

"If you're going to call me professor I suppose it e I should know your last name," Remus said, knowing she was already his favorite student.

"I suppose I should properly introduce myself then, I'm Enola DuPont, Slytherin," she said smiling.

"DuPont, French isn't it?" Remus said quizzically.

"It's not my real last name, I don't know my name, so named myself. I might be French though. Who knows?" Enola said happily.

"Ah, you're adopted then?" Remus said growing worried for the girl.

"Do you remember when we met, I had just run away." smiled Enola

     "How could I forget."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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