Waiting Game/ Great Escape

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     It had been a week since the girl took her trip to Diagon alley. All the thoughts of the red-haired boy have disapparated, but she was stuck on one person. Delphine DuPont. She wondered what Delphine would have thought about her being a witch. The girl was always open-minded, and always craved an adventure. Would she be happy for Enola? Or perhaps jealous? In the worst-case scenario, she would see Enola as a freak. The young orphan knew she shouldn't be thinking about the girl who left her with not even a goodbye. She couldn't help it.

     The two girls shared everything, even their last names. All Enola wanted was to tell Delphine about everything that had taken place.

     Enola was left on the steps of Saint Francis orphanage when she was only one year old. The first person to see Enola on the doorstep was a curious four-year-old girl. Delphine. Delphine saved Enola from that treacherous doorstep.

     The two grew and spent their day's hand in hand. Delphi taught her French, how to tie her shoes, and even taught her to read. The two even slept in the same bed, they were never apart. Delphine always took care of the young girl, making sure she was happy, well-fed, and not hurt by the matron. Delphine wasn't just Enola's best friend and sister, she also took on the role of a parent.

     And during the morning of June 15th, 1990, for the first time in nine years Enola woke up alone. She found out hours later that Delphine, her Delphine, had left and not even warned her of her plans. Enola could only come to one conclusion. She was just easy to abandon. For the first time since Enola had been brought to the orphanage all those years ago, she felt orphaned.

     Enola felt as though she was forgetting what Delphine's calluses hand felt like, and she was forgetting the sound of her voice.  She never wanted to feel like this again. And in this moment of reminiscence, she decided she would not make any friends at Hogwarts. For they would just leave the second they got the chance.

     She spent her days with her nose always in a book, taking in every piece is information she could. She could never rely on people, but she could rely on books. She memorized every first-year charm and the properties of magical plants.

A week before September first, Enola had her great escape. The matron hadn't acknowledged Enola ever since she had found out she was a witch, and Enola was upset, but she kept her temper under control. The vile woman had convinced all the other children that Enola was godless, soulless, a mistress of Satan himself, strange considering she was only eleven. The children believed this, they never got to know Enola as she was always alone or with Delphine. So they took the matron's word as truth. And one night as they were sat around the small oak table eating dinner, which was rare so Enola knew this must be a special occasion. There was a knock at the door. The matron greeted the man with a smile and hospitality. At first Enola thought, he was looking to adopt until she saw the man's uniform, he was a priest. And Enola was the only one surprised to see him there.

     She knew then, if she didn't get out now she was in for a night of torture and an attempted exorcism. This was planned. And so, Enola made her way upstairs, giving a small smile to the priest. As to not raise suspicion. She made her way to the room she shared with all the other girls and grabbed the suitcase in which she kept all her belongings.

     If she attempted to use the front door she would immediately be held back. So she made her way to the small window. She used a chair to prop herself up. She knew it was now or never but, for once she was afraid. Yet, she was more afraid of the man downstairs. So she did what any child would do and jumped.

     Her ankle was broken but she broke into a sprint. She ran and ran and ran until she fell backward, almost as if some force was pulling her back. When a huge purple bus appeared. Displaying the words 'the night bus.'

     "Hello there, I'm Stan, Stan shunpike. Eleven sickles, but for thirteen you can get a hot chocolate. Where to?"

     Good thing Enola made a point to carry both muggle and wizarding money on her at all times.

No cruel intentions towards Catholicism and Catholics this chapter. Just apart of the story.

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