First Encounters

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     It was glorious. The owls soared through the grey, dreary skies. Which was Enola's type of weather. The soft glow of store lights and excited chatter from many soon-to-be first years. Enola couldn't help being envious when she laid her eyes on a huge family, all having striking red hair. She noticed how their mother, a stout and kind-looking woman, scolded the children. Making her best effort to keep them in line. Enola wished she had someone to scold her, although she would never tell a soul.

     Her eyes couldn't help but wander to a boy. He had fiery red hair like his family members and a mischievous glint in his eye. It seemed as though the whole world was shining on him, he was the sun, and she couldn't help but stare. It was only when he started acting in a manner so obnoxiously that her seconds-long infatuation flew out the window.

     Although the boy would never admit it, that second-long infatuation was not unrequited. He was visiting Diagon alley for school supplies. His third year of Hogwarts would be starting soon. He was well aware that people stared at his loud and rambunctious family, but he loved it. Fred Gideon Weasley loved the attention. It was only when he was in the middle of carrying out a prank on his stuck-up older brother Percy that he noticed her. Hair as dark as charcoal and piercing silver eyes. His heart stopped, and his whole world stopped he felt as though he had entered orbit and would be revolving around her for the rest of his life. According to other people, she was the moon. But in this very moment for just a second. She was the sun.

     He looked away, the tips of his ears becoming as red as his hair. When he looked back up she was gone.

     Enola had better things to do than get jealous over some random family. McGonagall had instructed her to go to Madam Malkins for robe fittings, while she picked up Enola's school books. When Enola made her way there she bumped into a girl with frizzy hair and adorable freckles.

     "I'm sorry, take my hand." The girl instructed in a strangely motherly tone.

     After helping Enola up the girl engaged in conversation and introduced herself as Hermione Granger. The girl's only weakness was speaking. So, she took the easy way out and made a run for it. Heading to Madam Malkins.

     After getting fitted Enola was surprised with a present from McGonagall. A small little kitten with jade green eyes and jet black fur. Enola wasn't good at saying thank you, she never had to. So she did the next best thing.

     "What's your name," the girl inquired.

     "Professor McGonagall is what you shall call me Ms. Black." The woman said in a stern voice, instructing the girl to not pry any further.

     Enola never liked instructions, "no your real name." She said in a patronizing voice.

     "Minerva," the teacher knew if this girl was anything like her father there was no point in fighting it.

     Enola had won this round and to Minerva's surprise, she smiled a big toothy grin. She looked down at the small creature in her hands and said "I'll call you Minnie."

After hearing those words come out of the odd child Minerva couldn't help it as her eyes filled with tears. If things had been different if Sirius black hasn't been a murderer. If Remus Lupin wasn't so distraught by the betrayal of his husband. This girl would've been showing off that toothy grin all the time.

But, things don't always work out the way they're supposed to. Sirius Black was a murderer. Remus Lupin abandoned his daughter on the steps of Saint Francis Orphanage, without as much as a paper containing the girl's name.

And Enola's smile was as rare as an eclipse. And like an eclipse, it was so bright nobody wanted to look directly at it.

McGonagall quickly sorted herself out and guided the young student to Ollivanders, the wand shop.

Enola saw this crack in the woman's demeanor. But, she ignored it and carried on into the wand shop. The second she walk into the old building she was thrown into a sneezing fit, alerting the old man of customers.

"Ahhh... and who might you be." The man questioned while looking at a strangely familiar girl.

"Enola DuPont, sir." She responded in a surprisingly polite manner.

"DuPont.. DuPont.. I'm not sure I recognize that. You must be muggle-born." Ollivander said.

The girl only nodded in response. As the strange man handed her a dusty old box, with an oak wand inside. The second her hand touched the handle of the wand boxes came crashing off the shelves. This was not the wand for Enola. Then the second wand, 11 inches, ash wood,
and a unicorn hair core.
Upon the dark surface of the wand was an etching of a full moon surrounded by constellations. Before even roughing this wand Enola knew, this was hers. And she was right, the second the wand and owner touched there was a bright emission of light.

And for the second time in one year, Enola smiled. But she knew now that she had gotten all of her supplies it was time for her to spend the next month back at Saint Francis Orphanage.

And she was dreading it.

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